7 must-learn Twitter hacks for every Twitch streamer

5 min readSep 28, 2016


500 millions of tweets are sent just in one day. As Twitter is the best viral place to grow for any Twitch broadcaster, you better know the little tricks not to stay in the dark.

Kapsuli is the 1st social media tool made for Twitch streamers.
We make it super easy for livestreamers to grow their viewership and save time on Twitter.
On this blog you’ll discover great tips about social media and stream growth, driving you through success as a professional Twitch broadcaster.

#1 Don’t start your tweet with an @

If you start a tweet with one @username, for instance when you’re going live, you are dramatically reducing your reach.
Indeed, your tweet will only be seen by the person you mention and by the people who are following both of you.

Nobody else will see it in their stream (though it will show up on your profile and in Twitter search).

It means that you are missing great opportunities to get retweeted and drive traffic towards your Twitch stream.
Start your tweet with an @ only if you reply to someone else.
Otherwise, please don’t do this !

*Editor’s Note : Twitter might make some moves about this, you can stay tuned there.

#2 Use images or GIFs

Data don’t lie and there is one you should absolutely know about :

Tweets with GIFs or images get on average 150% more engagement. Your Twitter reach loves images & gifs, so use some as much as you can to increase your visibility !

If you wonder how to be able to tweet strong contents when you’re live and focused on your audience, have a look right now at our scheduling solution made for Twitch streamers.

#3 Click-to-Tweet : make it easy for your audience to tweet about you

Click-to-Tweet is a dead simple tool that will enable you to boost your word-of-mouth and easily let your audience show to the world how much they love your stream.

The concept is simple : turn a pre-tweet into a single link, when your audience clicks on it, they can post your pre-tweet in one click.


One advice about this hack : you should not be afraid of asking very clearly your audience about clicking on your click-to-tweet link, but try to push this after a positive experience for your viewers. It’s “give and take”, and you should always give first !

#4 Use Twitter polls to engage your fans

Livetweeting during your live is not only crucial to drive traffic but represents also a way to engage dialog.

Indeed, you’ll be able to follow up with these conversations after your stream, to get feedbacks and chat with your fans.
To this extend, the new Twitter poll feature might be awesome, so feel free to use some and send some questions during your live with the Kapsuli real-time scheduling solution.

#5 Find friends and retweeters with Moz

Moz is an outstanding SEO tool that can be turned easily into a great weapon to find your Twitter audience, without ever interact beforehand.

You should consider testing Followerwonk, where you can discover Twitter profiles according to the keywords included in the user’s biographies.

Some advice about this hack for streamers: do not give up too early and test a variety of keywords to get a satisfying quantity of relevant profiles. You can also segment with location or number of followers to find potential streamers partners in your area.

#6 Let your followers watch a preview of your stream without ever leaving Twitter

Compact, standard and extended Twitch players that work inside Twitter are available on Kapsuli.com

With Kapsuli, you’re able to let large audiences watch your stream exactly where they are : on Twitter.

Recent case studys tend to prove a single mid-sized streamer can gain up to 30 viewers each month thanks to this new distribution channel.
This represents a huge opportunity for you to make it easier for your fans to catch you when you’re live, or watch a simple glimpse of your stream while they are on a move. Indeed, our native and custom Twitch players work both on desktop on mobile. This way you can boost your Twitter engagement and your online traffic to your Twitch page.

Frequently Asked Question about this hack : YES, all key info about your live (such as number of viewers, the game you play, your stream title and so on) are updated in real-time on these Twitter players : so this is one less thing you have to worry about when you’re streaming :)

#7 Tag people on your picture for big news about your career

Don’t you know you can tag people on Twitter picture ?
This way the people you tag will receive a strong notification, helping you stand out from the crowded sea of the 500 millions daily tweets.

Advice on this hack : combine Moz (#5) with this technic to engage new people on Twitter :)

So, do you think this blogpost could be useful for anybody else ?
Feel free to share it anywhere you want with the @Kapsuli mention !

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Happy streaming,
The Kapsuli Team.

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It’s time for a social media tool made for Twitch broadcasters — https://www.kapsuli.com