Beyond, Towards the Soul

Anadi Youth SMVS
3 min readMay 12, 2023


Let us journey into the world beyond Maya.

The nature of our world here and its attributes dissolve away as we move beyond it. The first thing to go is time; there is no passing of time beyond Maya. As such, there is no aging or the cycles of life and death. Those who are above Maya never have to die.

Does that mean immortality? But, how can there be a world without time?

Yes, all above Maya are of an immortal nature. As for how it works, time is not what we understand it to be. It is not like a flowing river which flows only in one direction. Nor is time the accumulation of moments that make up history, which once gone cannot be retrieved. No, time is not a linear sequence of events. Instead, it is the constant change that occurs and affects all.

Where there is time, there is change.

It is because of change that life is born and must one day pass away. It is because of time that the creation of things occurs, as well as their destruction. It is this constant change that says you or me have to come and go.

Amazing! So, without time, everything can be as it is forever and we never have to lose anything or anyone?

Yes, everything and everyone is forever in the world beyond Maya. However, some might wonder whether such a world without change could be meaningful. Rest assured, though, the world beyond has its own charm and allure. The likes of which are beyond description.

Now, as we travel further beyond Maya, the ‘separation’ between individuals disappears.

No separation between individuals? What does that mean?

So long as we remain ‘individual’, each with our own name, personality and beliefs, we will never come to harmony with each other. There is nothing wrong with having a unique identity, only that we have mistakenly believed the ‘ego’ to be ourselves. It is this ego that causes us so much trouble and it is the one which melts away in the light beyond Maya.

That sounds amazing! No ego means no conflicts and no discrimination. But how does this happen?

As one goes beyond Maya, true and complete knowledge comes into sight. This knowledge allows one to gain clarity of themselves and of others. It is knowing of the truest kind, known as intrinsic knowledge. When the nature of oneself is known, in this manner, then all grief, sorrow and ignorance melt away.

It is forever peaceful being enlightened.

Once a person makes the trip beyond Maya having obtained true knowledge, they never return.

To them, Maya is ‘Dark’.

Alright, tell me, how do I make this trip?

You must have figured it out by now, No?

This is not a trip that can be made by any person. Nothing or no one that is ever born inside of Maya may ever go beyond it. It is not possible for us as humans to go beyond Maya.

Does that mean I can never make the trip? Surely, there must be something I can do…

It is possible to make the trip, but we will need some clarity and help.
The first clarity is this:

You are the one to make the trip. You are not a human or the individual you have believed yourself to be. You are not the one with a soul inside of you. No! That is all ignorance. The truth is this:

You are the soul, the one that controls and inspires the person.

I?.. I am the soul?

Yes… You are the soul.

I… I come from beyond this world?

Yes, all souls come from beyond this world. All come from outside of Maya and have the right to transcend it. Those souls are none other than we!

We are the Souls.

This is amazing!..

It is indeed.

So, tell me, what is it like being the soul? And how do I realize this true knowledge?

For realization of the soul and true knowledge, we’ll need to learn about the origins of the soul.

Stay tuned for next time.

