The Creator

Karan Philosophies
5 min readJul 14, 2023


The one that is responsible for the creation and sustenance of the universe. The one who brought forth all life and the spectacles found inside this world. The one that has been the greatest mystery of all time. It is the creator that is the subject of our curiosity and the one we want to discover.

Q: The creator is definitely interesting and the source of much mystery. But, how do we plan to discover the creator?

Discovering the creator has been one of the greatest challenges eluding humankind throughout the ages. Many have come and tried, but none have been able to provide anything concrete. Even after all the efforts we may make in the name of this discovery, will the question be solved?

This is where the hope of the souls shines so brightly. It may be out of our scope to get to the creator, but it seems like the creator wants to come to us.

Q: Come to us? The creator wants to meet us?

Along this entire journey, it seems as if the creator has left behind clues and signs for us to pick up on and follow. Almost as if they were guiding us from the very beginning.

In the home world of the souls, it was the ‘voice’ that promised a greater existence with form. This inspired the souls to move forward with their evolution.

In the manifest world, we found it to be the nature of Maya. Initially dark and limiting, it turned out to be helpful in pushing the souls to this final frontier.

Who is the ‘voice’ that led the souls? Who is the designer of this Maya? Who is this benefactor that inspires us?

Q: The creator! They’ve been the ones guiding us this whole time?

Yes. It seems the creator has been with us every step of the way, gently nudging us forward towards this greater existence. It appears they are also the answer to the hopes of the soul. The longing the souls have for obtaining a true form and greater bliss may all be possible now.

Q: Yes, now that I think about it, this creator is definitely of an interesting nature to have been everywhere this whole time. What are they truly like?

The creator is of a boundless nature. One who has no end or limit. As such, the creator is one who may never be fully understood. Try as we may with all our intellect or might, we can never gauge into this creator.

Here is a story to elaborate:

Once, two great philosophers were by the seashore on their search for greater truths. One was lost in deep thought upon the idea of the creator. The other one? Well, he was counting the water droplets in the ocean… with a spoon —

Q: Come again?… Counting water droplets? With a spoon? That’s absurd! Why?

Well, the first philosopher saw this and had the same question. So, he came and asked, “What are you doing, sir?”

“I’m counting the water droplets in the ocean.” replied the second philosopher.

“That’s impossible! The ocean is too vast! There’s no way to measure it. That too with a spoon?” rebuked the first philosopher.

“Aye! If the ocean is too big to be measured, then how can we measure or understand the creator? And that too with our tiny minds?” boldly answered the second philosopher.

Q: So, the creator is boundless in nature like the oceans? Hence, the reason we may never fully understand them?

Yes. Everything and everyone in this world is confined to some limits. Whereas, the nature of the creator is one of infinities. It is beyond all comprehension and beyond all imagination. They say that if the mind were able to experience this limitless nature, it would collapse on itself. It is simply too grand for us to ever fully comprehend it, but in that vastness lies the wonder.

Q: ‘A nature of infinities.’ That sounds amazing! But wait… How can that be?

Of all the beings we have seen so far, none have been perfect in every way. Where the souls are eternal in nature, they are also of a passive existence. Where humans have the liberty of action, they are bound to pass away.

The creator is in a whole different league!

Q: How can there be one being with both immortality and ability to create? What is the creator?…

Therein lies the secret we’ve been searching for this whole time. It should not be possible, but, there is no other way to explain this anomaly.

The creator possesses a Divine Form!

After all, the creator is the one that governs the creation of all universes. The one that is the ‘voice’ playing guide to the souls. The one who supports all life and controller of Maya. The one being above them all, unmatched and unparalleled.

The one we know as God.

Q: Wow!.. A divine form?.. What must that be like?

It is a spiritual fantasy, never dreamt of and completely unbelievable. Even trying to imagine it is beyond our scope. We may be able to grasp the things of this world through our senses, but those are limited. We cannot grasp anything above that, we simply do not have the ‘sight’ for it. As for the souls, they do not have any form such that they can ‘comprehend’ a divine being.

The wonders of this divine form of God are simply beyond our scope and imagination. We may never know them fully, but we can dream and we can ponder.

If the things inside of Maya, which are flawed, appear so captivating, then what can be said of a divine form beyond it all? Surely, it must be of a whole different nature and beauty. The likes of which would shun the beauty of all the cosmos put together.

If the souls have such peace in their passive existence and radiate light, then what can be said of the bliss or luster emanating from this divine form? The light of the suns and moons of endless galaxies would pale in its comparison.

Just imagining the bliss of such a divine form… it is breathtaking…

Q: WOW!.. Just hearing of this divine form brings great wonder to my heart. Surely, there must be a way we can grasp it?

Everything up until now has been provided to us by God. Why shall it be any different going forward? Even that path will be opened up by God.

It is in this hope that the hopeful souls have stayed back.

They believe in God.

Q: What is this way that is to be opened up by God?

That is truly the question. For which, we will have to dive deeper into the form of God.

Stay tuned for next time.

