Harpers Bazaar, Bubble Spring Collection, Paris (1963)

You don’t choose life, but neither should you let others choose your life for you.

3 min readJul 25, 2016

Bubble|ˈbʌb(ə)l| noun
Used to refer to a good or fortunate situation that is isolated from reality or unlikely to last: we both lived in a bubble, the kind provided by occupying a privileged pied-à-terre in Greenwich Village.

You work. You play. You eat. You sleep. Repeat

This is you.
You listen to your parents. You go to school. You educate yourself. You go to university to get that degree that will get you a job. You get a job and work to pay the bills. You can now pay the bills but it’s not enough, you need more. So you work, eat, play, sleep and repeat. That’s the bubble.

When was the last time you thought about your childhood dream? Do you even remember what it was? Suppressed and enclosed into the bubble you go, as it floats higher aimlessly towards the sky.

Ah but the beauty of the bubble is that its fragile, delicate and can burst at any moment. How you ask? Recognise that the path you desire is not one that is easy. It takes work because when the bubble bursts you first have to fall, make sacrifices, be willing to get a bit hurt — vulnerable even — and be prepared to open to others, before you are able to get back up on your feet again. When you recognise that this is a change to uncovering your true self, it won’t be long before you realise that “ah-ha” moment where you know you’re about to embark on a whole new adventure and discover brand new lens’ to appreciate it with.

The world is your classroom. Go outside. Do stuff. Learn something new. Hop on a plane. Talk to a stranger, or reconnect with an old friend! It struck me the other day that I’ve been undeniably spoilt by long summer holidays and unlike the rest of the year, there’s actually TIME before the rest of my life picks up. I truly believe that whilst its nice to take a break from classes and be lazy once in a while, we should never stop learning. And discovering. Invest in yourself a little today.

It’s okay not to know what you’re doing, or if this walk is even the right way. You may even feel guilty or selfish for pursuing something that could potentially make you happy in spite of what everyone else has told you to do. Now the bubble is great if you seek a safe and stable life. Then again, let us not forget that even from within the bubble you are not protected from the outside world. After all, it is transparent and you will find yourself confronting difficult situations. Nevertheless, whether you choose to resolve it head on with a step out, or continue to drift off is your choice.

Wherever you may be, I hope this can encourage you to look around you because I guarantee you that this is simply the beginning of many adventures that await.

Bear with me, this is my first post on Medium.




A petite, bubbly introvert who overcompensates her self-consciousness with self-deprecating jokes and a cheesy smile