The Whole Truth Of My Life

Gabriel Karl Mico Helene
19 min readSep 22, 2017

I was born on the 7th of April 1958 from the union of a beautiful young lady named Marie Therese Helene { Born Gourdin } and a Handsome Young man Named Gabriel Elias Helene.

This is me Gabriel Karl Mico Helene

My Parents had 4 Sons and 5 Daughters namely in Order [1] Marion Helene Former Barrister-At-Law who died on the 3rd of May 2010 of A Stroke at 54 Years old [2]Myself Gabriel Karl Mico Helene 59 Years Old so far [3]Alineno Victor (Born Helene ) Who Died on the 11th of February 2015 of complication connected to Diabeter at the age of 54 [4]Nicole Helene 54 Years old [5]Cathline Conhyea (Born Helene ) 52 Years old [6]Ective Helene 49 Years old [7]Monica Razaze ( Born Helene ) 48 Years old [8] Alain Helene 44 Years old [9]Nathalie Helene 41 Years Old

Mom died on the 27th of December 2002 and Dad died on the 29th of April 2005

From left to right Alain Helene , Myself Gabriel Karl Mico Helene , Dad , Mom , Marion Helene Our Brother Who gone already then Ective Helene

On the 20th of September 1984 I had an encounter with the Man of Galilee

That is Jesus the Son of the Living God and since that very day my life had changed tremendously .I`ve not become a perfect human being as I`m still a sinner , but a Forgiven sinner because Jesus had washed my sins with His Holy Blood and as it is well written there`s no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus . I`m Saved and I`m proud and not ashamed to Cry to the World and say that I belonged to Jesus and He is my Lord and Savior.

I was Baptized on the 20th of December 1984 by Pastor Vythelingum Popo

Professional career started in 1975

I was a Welder/Boiler-maker from 1975 up to September 1989 after which I left and start a new Career as workshop Manager in another private firm . In January 1990 I started my Own Business as an Entrepreneur in the Welding and Metal Fabrication Sector and Civil Engineering & Construction works.

Latter on in my journey and quest for a better life I founded 2 Companies namely K H Construction Ltd and Helene Construction Ltd .Around the year 2007 I started to work online as an online Marketer in parallel with my offline Business .I`ve been working with several Companies and learning at the same time about Marketing and List Building Techniques

The Man who Feed them and they want to destroy now

In November/December 2013 I met with a Friend a Brother-In-Christ who Introduced me to a Program called Profitable Sunrise which was supposed to be a Christian Based Company and whose Founder was Roman Novack after Much thinking and enquiring I Started to Invest in the said Company and I also started to Share the Program with others around the World and many Joined me in this journey for a better Future and Financial Freedom . As I was an affiliate of Whole Wellness Club during that period some of the peoples in my local Network heard about the New Program I was Promoting and Asked to joined and as most of them were not computer literate decided to help them and thus creating a Company Named Helene And Partners Investment Ltd .The Company was Incorporated and Application for a Trade License was Submitted in January 2013 , after receiving the Trade License I contacted a Company to Create Our Company Profile and to process our FSC License .While all these were being done peoples from different Areas whom I`ve NEVER known started to come to my place then to the place I was working as an affiliate of Whole Wellness Club asking to joined the Program .I asked the Consultant if I can Start Collecting Money and Operate while the FSC License is being process he told me as I already got my Trading License I can start to operate , so I started to operate during the last days of January 2013 the Very First Investor was someone whom I did not know at all and He came with his wife and 2 Brother-In-Laws and One among the 2 I had met just few days before whose name was Keshal R…..His Money was in CASH and he came to my place on his own without being Invited as I`ve NEVER Promote to any Mauritian Personally Never .I want to point out that the first investor was a Pastor Named Michel ……..after that day those peoples who were supposed to be Born again Christians just like me started to have a very closed Fellowship with me namely Keshal R…….who used to came to meet me on a nearly daily basis and he brought other members of his family to invest and we had meetings regularly where they were told the actual status of the Company etc……and how we were proceeding for the Investment i.e the Money were being Transferred to the Company abroad after we received Invoices from them and we used Wire Transfer for the Transactions ,So they all knew very well that the Money were Neither kept in my Drawer nor something like that .I showed them PROOF of transfer and and emails received from the Company and they were kept regularly informed of every transaction . Some members of the Family even told me that they would like to invest more and if I can just help them as they were bringing Investors in the Program , so I started to GIVE them Commissions .

Around March , April 2013 there a Ponzy Saga which started with few Investment Companies in Mauritius and I was not at all afraid as I was Not personally doing any Ponzy and Neither did Orchestrated any Ponzy Scheme ,so I did not feel concerned and continue to operate normally till Mid April when I received the Visit of Members of the FSC and they checked everything in my office including my PC and they Forwarded some emails which concerned communication between Profitable Sunrise and Me . After they left I started to feel scared for the first time and contacted all the Investors for a meeting asking them if they would like to REMOVED/CANCELLED their Investment some Peoples did accept to Cancel same and was Refunded Immediately . But Most of them SAID No they want to Remain active .

NB : {1}All these emails will also be Published soon so that anybody can see and Verify if I was Doing a Ponzy or dis Orchestrated a Ponzy Sheme .

{2}The R…… Family Opted to remain a client of Helene And Partners Investment Ltd and they continue to keep close contact with us .

No Retreat No Surrender

{3}It is to be NOTED that nearly Rs750,000 were Paid as Commissions

Me and My wife Hasseena born { Salamuth }

Arrested and Jailed at Alcatraz for 3 Days


This was one of the first Webminar I attended on the 5th of February 2013

Thank you for attending PROFITABLE SUNRISE Q&A WEBINAR



Rev. Jon Simmons <>


to me

Dear Gabriel,

Thank you for attending my webinar. We hope you enjoyed our event.

Please send your questions, comments and feedback to:

You are receiving this email because you registered for this webinar. You can also opt-out from receiving further emails from this webinar’s organizers. Privacy Policy.

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Helene Partners <>


to jonfocusup

Hi rev. Jon,

Many thanks for taking your time to email us back . It was really helpful and very interesting . It has help me personally to understand a lot of things . God bless You richly as we labor all together for HIS Kingdom .

Best Regards

G K M Helene

Another email received from Paul Hong on the 16th of February 2013




Paul Hong <>


to bcc: me

FYI, you all are welcome to the webinar


Paul Hong
Success Coach
Tel: 626–532–7169

skype: paul.hong19

Facebook: Paul Hong

Turn $15 into a Full Time Income!

— — — — — Forwarded message — — — — —
From: Rev. Jon Simmons <>
Date: Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 6:01 PM


February 16, 2013

Dear NJF Global Group family,

Please forward this email on to all your contacts for me — some are still not receiving the emails from Constant Contact, and we’re working with CC to correct that. We suspect that email servers are blocking and not delivering the email at all. Also, encourage your team to check their SPAM and JUNK EMAIL folders. My own CC email goes to SPAM!

If you are in Nanci’s group and are the point person for a large team of ProSun participants, please email me at and in the Subject Line type in caps “PROSUN TEAM LEADER”. I want to make sure you get a separate email from my Focus Up gmail with the webinar registration info as well.



Webinar ID: 152–685–755

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The link in that email is for your use alone.

DURING THE WEBINAR: For the Q&A time following, please dial in using your phone and Audio PIN. Click the orange arrow on your dashboard on the right side of your screen to maximize your dashboard and reveal the dial in phone info and Audio PIN. I will only entertain questions from those using a phone, to minimize the echo from those using computer speakers and microphone.

(Note for Mac Users: Cut & paste your emailed webinar link into a Safari browser — Safari can handle Citrix products like GoToWebinar. If all else fails, try



Remember to tell all your team that they must register for our email list in order to receive webinar and special event notifications. Here’s the link: This is the only list we use for our emails…

(Note: you will not receive a thank you email, just a confirmation that your info has been recorded).

Ralph and I look forward to a great time together with you Saturday morning!

Rev. Jon Simmons

Project Manager

FocusUp Ministries, Inc.

Email from Paul again on 27th of February 2013

Fwd: NJF Global Group Webinar Wednesday night, February 27, 9:00 PM EST



Paul Hong <>


to bcc: me

hello Pro Sun members,

Very Important message from our group leader Nanci, please read the e-mail.


Paul Hong
Success Coach
Tel: 626–532–7169

skype: paul.hong19

Facebook: Paul Hong

Turn $15 into a Full Time Income!

— — — — — Forwarded message — — — — —
From: Nanci Jo Frazer <>
Date: Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:16 PM
Subject: NJF Global Group Webinar Wednesday night, February 27, 9:00 PM EST

NJF Global Group Webinar, Wednesday, 9:00 PM EST

February 27, 2013

Dear NJF Global Group family,

Ralph and I look forward to Wednesday night’s training webinar at 9:00 am EST.


Webinar ID: 116–598–355

NOTE: Because we have a capacity of only 1,000 people in the webinar, and many thousands are receiving this email, if you have already attended an E-Currency training in recent days, please allow new members to join the webinar early. You can join at 9:00 pm. Thank you.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing your personal link and phone information to join the webinar.




1) Nanci’s term as Team Leader ends on March 5, and she will be renewing only those participants who agree to the terms and policies of her group by signing this agreement.

2) Go to, read the Entry Agreement.

3) Click to complete the agreement document. You will be directed to a form to complete in its entirety. You will NOT get an email, just a confirmation that your info has been recorded.

PASS THIS EMAIL ON TO ALL YOUR TEAM MEMBERS. We look forward to a great time together with you tonight!

Be blessed,

Rev. Jon Simmons

Some Proofs of Peoples Depositing Through Bank to bank transfer

Deposits for mrs Moodely and mr Norman



Rachel <>


to me

Mr Karl,

Pls note that the following transfers have been effected into your account yesterday as below:

Rs 140000 from acc 02510100085710 ,acc Sara Elizabeth atwaroo
Rs 140000 from acc 01110100097984,acc Kevin atwaroo
Rs 125000 from acc 02510100083552 acc Rachel Moodely
Rs 140000 from acc 01610100109285 acc Saradamhal atwaroo

Pls note that these transfers represent a total of rs545000 which form the contracts of the following persons

CEFFIE Norman rs65000
AREKION Clifford rs55000
Marie Louise Emmanuel rs50000
Vythilingum nada rs50000
Atwaroo Sara Elizabeth rs100000
Atwaroo Saradamhal rs100000
Moodely Rachel rs125000

For your info pls

Mrs Moodely

Sent from my iPad

Helene Partners <>


to Rachel

Shalom Rachel ,

Please can You call me back on Monday around 8.00 am in connection to your phone call of Thursday .

Your`s in The Service of Christ

Evangelist Gabriel Karl Mico Helene

NB : It`s also to be noted that all these Peoples were Refunded as I explained already above { And all proofs of receipt etc….are still with the CCID }

My Sponsor and Brother-In-Christ Mark Stephen Bernal email to Prove my Good Faith as he send the said email to The Admin of the Company

To Roman Novak Urgent Situation



Mark Stephen Bernal <>


to support, Roman, Nanci, njfdirect, me


Please help our christian brother in Mauritius Karl Helene he is in trouble there just like in Roman situation. Authorities there wanted an Certificate of Incorporation and Lending License. Karl wanted it badly please help him get a copy to fix of it he has big investors in his downlines which is my level 2 all are christians in church there in Mauritius..Karl is a respected preacher there if he lose his reputation Evil has won please help us. I am asking for Roman please help us sir get a copy of PS documents so that this situation will not heat up this Man Karl Helene my christian brother in Mauritius has a mission in Building Churches around the world to help christians and even he is a preacher and a Man that has reputation in his people who followed him in PS.I beg you Sir Roman please help us…….this is Karl email ….. ..and mobile number :2309337607..Looking forward with this….

Another Proof That I did Not Conduct any Ponzy Scheme

NJF Group Help Desk <>


to me

Welcome… Your UPLINE who told you about Profitable Sunrise is also a participant in the NJF Global Group Community. If you are NEW, you can go to for how-to instructions. When you go there, you will fill out the ENTRY AGREEMENT FORM and then can enter the website where many of your questions will be answered. Here are the email addresses to assist you: be aware that response may take up to 48 hours Mon-Friday. If you are having a challenge with your Profitable Sunrise Account (secret word, password, etc.), you should contact If you have wire transfer issues, go to If you have a lost bank wire or a hacker emergency… email There is also a website for a charity our NJF Global Community supports: visit

Proof of Corresponcence about Wire Transfer




Support <>


to me

Good Day,

The instructions are valid for 5 business days only. After 5 business days are over you will need to request the instructions again!

Please send your bank wire transfer as per instructions below. Please make you fill out the reference (memo) field exactly as shown below.

If you do not enter this information (LOAN AGREEMENT PS-9231145, DD02232013) into the reference field, it may result in problems locating your bank wire transfer or even the payment bouncing back to your bank account.

Beneficiary: FORTUNA — K, S.R.O.
Beneficiary Address: Chlumova 4/95, Praha 3, 130 00
Beneficiary Country: Czech Republic
Beneficiary Account Currency: USD (United States Dollar)
Beneficiary Account Number: CZ4801000001074425110297

Beneficiary’s Bank SWIFT ID: KOMBCZPP
Beneficiary’s Bank Name: Komercni Banka, A.S.
Beneficiary’s Bank Address: Na Prikope 33, Praha 1, 114 07
Beneficiary’s Bank Country: Czech Republic

Intermediary Bank Name (if needed): SOCIETE GENERALE
Intermediary Bank Address (if needed): 560 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10020
Intermediary Bank ABA#(if needed): 026004226

Message to Beneficiary (MEMO) : LOAN AGREEMENT PS-9231145, DD02232013 (Please enter only this sequence! Do not add anything else!)

* I urge you NOT TO ADD any additional information to the Message to Beneficiary field above. So, for instance, if you want to divide the amount you send into several deposits or want to credit the amount to a different account, or any other special instructions, please simply reply to this email and send your special instructions via email. This way I guarantee that your wire transfer will get to us very promptly and there will be no errors.

If you have any questions about how to fill out the bank wire transfer form, please reply to this message and attach the form. We will help you with this matter.

If you have any other questions about these instructions, do not hesitate to ask.

Have a Blessed Day!

Helene Partners <>


to bank

Greetings to You Brother Roman ,

I completely MISSED this mail as it went to Spam Folder just look at it today and I think it has Expired already . Can you advice as to if I need to make another Request or you can send me another One even if Long Haul will expire by the time I receive it I can put it in Private Plan no problem .

Many thanks for your entire support & co-operation Brother . God bless.

Your`s in His Service

Evangelist Gabriel Karl Mico Helene

Another Proof Showing that the FSC even know very well that I did not do any Ponzy Scheme as they had copies of those email which they forwarded to their own email while visiting my office

Profitable Sunrise Requirement to Keep Your Account



Paul Hong <>


to bcc: me

Hello All,

I was just notified today that Nanci Jo Frazer is requiring that those that want to continue participating in Profitable Sunrise must agree to her terms and conditions. If you don’t do this, your membership and commissions will be affected.

Please visit:

At the bottom click the link to agree.

You must put in the correct information. If you are receiving this then I am your sponsor. My phone number is 626–532–7169. Please spell my name correctly: Paul Hong

Ensure you follow up with your downline accordingly with a similar email or communication. The deadline is March 5th. Don’t put this off.

I know many of you had already done this, that is great, you can just ignore this message.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Paul Hong
Success Coach
Tel: 626–532–7169

skype: paul.hong19

Facebook: Paul Hong

NB : All the emails are Dated

An email from the Founder and Admin of Profitable Sunrise

Profitable Sunrise — Message(March 6, 2013)




to me

My Dear Friends,

It is been a really long time since I last spoke to you by means of a personal message. A lot of very important developments have take place in the course of the last several months. I felt that it is the time for you to hear my mind on them.

Thanks to your valued support my business has grown really big and strong. This would not have been possible without you. The growth has brought about the necessity to streamline my business model, cut the administrative costs and comply with the tax authorities. They have already asked us about the interest we pay you. This has led to a very important decision to do away with third party payment processors. I am hereby announcing that we have started moving away from payment processors for withdrawals in favor of direct bank wires. By doing so we are literally killing 2 birds with one stone. First, you avoid the fees processors charge. Second, you comply with the IRS. We will simply specify in every payment what it is for and where is comes from so IRS will have no problem collecting taxes. It has always been my honest belief that we need to pay all the taxes.

I am anxiously looking forward to the Easter week, I am sure you are too. We are working on new offers and plans that will be announced after Easter.

Stay Blessed,
Roman Novak,
Profitable Sunrise

A Confirmation of deposit Sample


Good Day,

We confirm that the transfer to your Long Haul principal in the amount of USD3,000.00 has been completed.

Thank you. We are strongly convinced that you have made the right decision.

We are doing our best to safely increase your savings and make you a happier person.

We are here to help you with anything and provide answers to all of the questions you may have.

Have a Blessed Day,

Roman Novak,
Profitable Sunrise

On demand Commissions were paid to those mentioned below:

{1}CEFFIE Norman

{2}Kumar Jeewon

{3} Mahen Dosieah

{4}Keshal Ramchurn

The Crook/Lawyer who were supposed to Defend me But instead betray me and Force me to Do Something ILLEGAL Which I`ll denounced very soon as he took Money and refused to gave a receipt

About the Journalist who like to create sensations they`ll be denounced and prosecuted soon for False and malicious Denounciation

Nanci Jo Frazer Interviews Roman Novak

