7 Of The Finest Tips On How To Be A Great Storyteller

Karthik Rajan
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readMay 30, 2018


Inspiration comes from dislikes.

Photo by Robert Collins

Dislikes are important.

Many believe storytelling is a talent. The quiet me confidently believes it is a skill. Here is how I overcame the talent myth — based on many of my own dislikes and experiences.

1) You are bored reading the obvious. Share the essence, let your audience connect, deduce and devour. Don’t do all the work.

I am predominantly a visual learner — I always liked the way movies moved. First scene is in the kitchen, the next scene is in the living room. The walk from the kitchen to the living room is implicitly assumed. In those subtleties of the movies, moving from scene to scene, I found my biggest draw–a respect for the audience.

The best way to describe the feeling — trusted to figure it out without being micromanaged. As a movie watcher, I enjoy that feeling and I brought it into how I shared stories. I relished the crispness of the flow.

2) You are bored by ingenuous posers. Well, keep it within your wheelhouse - your experience.



Karthik Rajan
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Stories to fuel your mind. Theme: life’s hidden treasures in plain sight. Goal: Warm tone, solid content, crisp stories. About me: one google search away.