Most difficult Job in the World…

Dr Mohd Kashif
3 min readNov 9, 2021


Ever wondered what is the most difficult job in the world. A job that has existed since the beginning of the time.

As far as I know convincing or pursuing people for anything new is the most difficult job of all times whether it’s just a recommendation or an entirely new proposal.

This job is not new in anyway but it still has the same difficulty and challenges as it was thousands of years ago.

Most of us have our ideas, values and perceptions set since our early childhood. Any change is not well taken by us humans and changes in ideas and thinking are the most difficult one.

Just think how many people you know who are good in convincing people. How many Job applicants are successful in convincing the hiring manager during salary negotiation or how many rejections a salesperson faces before selling any product.

You may think but people do get convinced about all the fake news or social media stuff they seen online. Right, but only if these news and stuff are all in agreements with their thought process.

Try convincing someone against their social, political, cultural, traditional or family beliefs. It’s hard isn’t it, you can imagine how brutal such conversation can go.

Ever imagined how most of us are so blinded by our cultural and traditional beliefs that we follow and accept it blindfolded.

Toughest job that one can do is to bring something new to people and shatter their cultural, traditional and family beliefs, especially those who never think and ask any questions about it.

Since the beginning of life on this planet many Prophets have been enjoined to perform the same task by God. Tough job isn’t it. Most of the people didn’t accept the message of the Prophets but some did.

Imagine all the hardships Prophet Mohammad (SAW) had to go through just to deliver the truth to the people of Mecca who were blinded in their cultural and traditional practices. It’s not that Arabs didn’t believe in God but they were not ready to leave the practices of their forefathers.

Nobody should disrespect their ancestors but it’s not necessary we should follow their footsteps blindly. All the things they did can be either right or wrong, but it’s our job to find the wrong ones and drop them.

One should always be curious and ask relevant question to gain knowledge, think and then act accordingly.

Always remember Knowledge and Reasoning are one of the biggest Gift God has given Us.

“Crazy theology makes us do crazy things”



Dr Mohd Kashif

I am just trying to give words to my thoughts through writing. Doctor by profession, Coffee lover and Critical thinker.