Sometimes, I really fucking hate modern technology.

3 min readJun 13, 2024

How do you feel when you have to start over with something?

I did some writing earlier using Google Keep, which I usually do, but that’s probably more of a habit using that program for writing. Then I put the finished piece elsewhere. I wrote. I was happy with the few paragraphs. Okay maybe a bit more then a few paragraphs, I can’t really tell all of the time by looking at the tiny cellphone screen. Especially, if I’m in write mode and the words are spilling out.

The apps and programs have or are supposed to have an automatic save feature. They really must because I don’t see a save button to press. Even if I’m using Microsoft Word, which gives you the option to have what you’re writing on auto-save, I click off the auto-save manually press the save button, and then click it back onto auto-save.

This is not the first time that I lost some things that I wrote in a program that had “auto-save”.

Grant it, I used to forget to save occasionally when I was using my desktop and I was on Photoshop, but that wasn’t as irritating to me as losing my writing these days.

I do not have access to my desktop and all I could do is hope that it is still in storage. At this point, my Magic Bullet RX, Total Gym, and Computer (no matter how banged up it may be, it’s what is…




Graphic Designer, Designer, Artist and Writer. I am a woman that likes comix and creating them. I also like drawing and painting fantasy, including Dragons.