This Is How You Can Lose Your Weight Without Burning Your Calories

3 min readJul 7, 2018


Burn Your Passion, Not Your Time!

Photo by Marion Michele on Unsplash

Can you see the co-relation above? No? Yes?

When we set an objective, we know what’s the goal but to reach that goal, it’s important to understand the inside mechanism and to stick to the baby steps. Very often, we take the simple defined route and consider that the particular route will fulfill the objective. But no, just re-check, research and re-think once.

Let me make it more clear.

Starting this year, I had joined a Gym the very same time like today. I had 3 months of subscription on my plate. I was enthusiastic, determined and thought that this time I’m gonna make it. I had the goal of losing 5 KGs of weight and to reduce the belly fat.

What did I do? I took a simple step — joined a Gym and thought that this will help me achieve my goal. Because that time, I had to burn calories. (Little later, I realized this alone is not going to work).

Where did I go wrong? My objective was to reduce weight and the belly fat. The goal was pretty clear, the timeline was also defined — a quarter. But that particular route was not the right path. I didn’t change my diet. I had the same diet (thinking that I am having home cooked food, so just working out would be sufficient).

But, what I did not realize was the importance of my diet. The role it plays in weight loss. Losing weight is about burning calories but at the same time I had to take care of the calories intake source.

I was having carb-rich diet and as such, I was burning energy through carbohydrates but the fat was still there (smiling and poking at me every time).

✌️🏼 This time, I’ve changed my diet as well so that I burn more fats and lose considerable weight.

Similar to this,

👉🏽 You have to burn your passion, not your time!

Each one of us is working hard to earn a living. Few of us are lucky to spend our time on doing things that we love and make money through that. Few others are still struggling in earning a living through their passion. Few others are spending time in making someone else’s dream come true.

Nevertheless, every second we’re burning time. But hold on!

You don’t need to burn your time, you need to burn your passion.


You love to travel? Start saving, leave your day job and become a travel blogger. STOP PROCRASTINATING. Don’t just burn your time.

You like creating solutions? Figure out a problem which you care about, find a solution and build a side project. STOP PROCRASTINATING. Don’t just burn your time.

You are very particular about healthy lifestyle? Stop eating out, learn to self-cook and stick to a healthy diet plan. STOP PROCRASTINATING. Don’t just burn your time.

You have a goal on your plate, and you know the path.

Don’t jump into the traditional or the simplest route. Learn the mechanism, stick to the baby steps and “be consistent”

Don’t just burn your time and say you’re working hard on your goal. Instead, burn your passion, unleash your creativity to make things work out the way you have always wanted them to.

🙋🏻 I’m burning my fats, not my calories.

🙋🏻 I’m burning my passion (writing), not my time.

What’re you burning?

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