You May Be Doing This Major Mistake In Your Productivity

I don’t want you to make the same blunder.

5 min readOct 5, 2018

I was making a big mistake before. And, I’m sure a lot many of you are still making the same mistake. You may ask me how am I so sure about you?

Because I’ve been reading a lot about productivity, journaling, how to stay focused, how to organize your day, how to maximize your time and many such self care tips. And, in many such articles, I could see the same mistake.

I keep reading a lot about how people have achieved things in life, the strategies, the hacks, the quick fixes, the habits, and the goals.

I also collected productivity tips from the writers on Medium and best productivity publications on Medium.

Every time, I find something new, I note it down in my journal. I try inculcating the same in my habit and set up a goal to make that a habit in 21 days.

Sometimes I used to trace what occupies my mind 70% of the day?

But recently, I acknowledged I was doing it all wrong!

Yes, there is nothing to hide.

As I have mentioned before, I’m a solopreneur and have to plan my day, my tasks, my habits, my goals all on my own. I don’t have anybody who can direct and make my life…




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