How to set up Icon Wallet

Tammy Miller
3 min readAug 30, 2021


In this article, I will show you how to set up an Icon web wallet.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Click on the “three bars” in the top right corner of the homepage. (See below)

Step 3: Click on the “Icon Wallet drop” down menu, then click “MyIconWallet Web Wallet”. (See below)

Step 4: Click on “Create A Wallet”. (See Below)

Step 5: Enter a secure password (make sure you record this somewhere safe) and click “create”. The password must contain uppercase and lowercase characters, number(s) and special character(s). (See Below)

Step 6: Click on “Create Wallet”. (See Below)

Step 7: Click “Download keystore”. This file is very important for restoring your wallet in the future. You need to keep a copy of it safe. If you lose the file you cannot restore the wallet. Right click on the “iconwallet.keystore” down loaded file to open option. Chose “Show in Folder”. (See Below)

Step 8: You will the downloaded file in your downloads folder. From here you need to drag and drop the file to a safe location where you can easily find and recover it. Close the folder. (See Below)

Step 9: Click on “Unlock your wallet”. (See Below)

Step 10: Click on “Choose file”. You will now need to go back through your file directory and locate the file you created and saved in steps 7 & 8. Click on this file to select it.

Step 11: Enter the password you created in step 5 and click “unlock wallet”. (See Below)

You should now see your newly created wallet, something like the image below.

You’re ready to go. Congratulations!

(This wallet was created for demonstrations purposes only. The wallet is not used for any other purposes other than creating demo tutorials. Please do not send coins to this wallet or try to use it. Any coins transferred will be lost.)

*(The information contained within this article is purely my opinion or based off my own personal experience and does not constitute financial or investment advice in anyway whatsoever. The material published should not be relied upon for any investment activities. I strongly recommend you do your own independent research and / or speak to a professional before making any financial or investment decisions.)



Tammy Miller

Tips and tricks on how to build wealth with limited resources.