Katie Heartwell
12 min readMay 22, 2018

I never thought I would be in a situation of stalking or harassing after experiencing it before.

I’ve been hesitating about writing this. Erasing and writing things over.

Trying to make sure I’ll cover everything and what it means.

( excuse my grammatical errors and punctuation)

Most of us have dealt with people we’ve tried to help but we end up hurt in the long run. From people we try our best to care about and support. Even when things get bad? We try. But you can’t love or help the toxicity out of other people. It is not your job. It is not your burden.

As a person it is YOUR DUTY to get help for YOURSELF. Do not wait until it gets bad to get HELP.

I wanna put some key words just for context of the words I will be using :

Manipulative- handle or control; influence.

Gaslighting- Gaslighting is a form of manipulation. “targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. “

Abuse(emotionally and psychological)-

I started talking to the user cobanermani456 at the very end of dec (after Christmas) 2016.

It was friendly it was cool. It was a nice start to a conversation. I never heard of this person. They found me through twitter and commented on the enjoyment of my threads.

A few weeks after knowing this person. I tried my best to help them with their break up with their ex. And what I had learned about them having anxiety. I told him to lessen his trouble? Go to the doctor. See what’s up before jumping to conclusions.

The start of February it was okay. Shaky but okay. I figured it was because he had just got of a relationship with an ex he called toxic. So I understood. We all have been hurt right? I was patient. I told him he should talk to someone about it. And not latch on to someone else. He seemed really hung up over it. He was hesitant to tell me he has even had a gf. Because at first he kept saying his “ex”. He mentioned it because he was about to “break up with her” so he wanted advice. I gave him the best advice I knew to give and could only give advice of what he chose to GIVE to me.

(Feb- march 2017)

Hard. Because he was not giving the full story. This was hard. I don’t or can’t give help if I don’t know the full story. I told him to take some time and figure it out. He also said it too. The next day? He’s back. And then he’d do it again. Mixed signals for communication. Flawed and a red flag. I didn’t like inconsistent things. Especially not with new people. I let him know. He made excuses like most people do when called out. Understood. Patience.

He had been having a huge dispute with this ex. Saying he wanted to ruin her and the guy she hurt him with. I warned him of how toxic that is and how he could seek help. It seemed it was some point of violent exchange between them two? I didn’t understand and he wouldn’t explain. (I’m taking their names out because it’s not relevant )

This is ONLY three months of knowing him.

I had want nothing else to do with his situation with this girl due to stress and lack of details yet being asked for advice

This was a lot for me.

After him not emotionally dealing with his ex. He used me as an emotional crutch. I did not even see it happening. I did not see him being attached to me. He was still hung up on his ex. Obsessed even.

I didn’t see the signs because I didn’t see him that way…

He said he should give himself space. I agreed. The next day he was back.

A few days later after telling him we shouldn’t talk by that time? birthday was here!!!!!

On my birthday he tried to make me feel bad I couldn’t handle him and all that drama anymore.

I blocked him. For the first time. I made him sad because I don’t wanna talk. Which is manipulative. he was being super self centered on my birthday and asking me to send him my address for a gift. I refused to give it.

so… This guy would call me saying he was mad and tell me about his child hood and how he doesn’t not know how to cope with anger. As a person who has experienced a lot of what he told me he went through? I listened. I gave more patience than I should’ve. He was mad at so many things in his life. I understood. His family, his ex, his YT. Life?

I told him he was a quitter. He would often talking about quitting on himself. Quitting YT. Quitting everything. It was tiresome and hard seeing someone quit. Especially after hearing what he had been through. I tried to push him. I knew it wasn’t my job but I still tried.

It’s a particular message he keeps clinging on to. (April 2017) Apparently what lead him to be obsessed over me? This one thing I said ONCE. Was missing him. I did. I enjoyed the good times we had. However we knew it was toxic : I quickly told him never mind.

I knew it was okay to miss someone but didn’t meant it was safe and healthy. (The time space is because of a phone call)

April and May was the time it got serious. No more chances. Super boundaries. Getting him to understand he needs help and I CANT help him.

I was dealing with my own stuff. My own mental health. I couldn’t carry the weight of my own struggles and his too. I was not his girlfriend. Or lover or anything.

I did not sign up to be an emotional dumping ground. I did not know he’d be obsessive over someone who has made it CLEAR I don’t want what he wants.

Im upset people are justifying old stuff like him … saying I said I missed him ONCE. I’ve said I wanted him to leave me alone more than “I miss you”. I guess that doesn’t matter

It does not matter. I will say no means no. Doesn’t matter how good things where before or how good you feel about a person. If they tell you no? Stop. If the block you? Stop. If they are mean to you to get you to leave you alone? STOP.

I DID not want to come public about this. I never wanted this. I warned him one last time I would if he did not leave me alone. I agreed to a friend I wouldn’t only IF he left me alone. This is what I had to do to get him to stop. Now his fans and who ever else are blaming ME for him not being emotionally responsible. It shouldn’t have took this to get him to STOP. But i knew it would work because he cares so much about his image.

I did not make him make twitter accounts to message me. I did not make him call me on unknown numbers.

I did not make him do anything. I wanted him to get HELP. I helped him find therapist and it’s plenty times he publicly mentioned me helping him.

I went to his friends this user particularly . Late last year I told them he(Cobi) told me he was gonna kill himself. Clearly I needed the help. They asked him to leave me alone. They said they would make sure he did( I know it’s not their job) but even after I told him for months to leave me alone. I went to them for help since he WOULD NOT STOP. Clearly I cared enough that I went to people who were strangers to me about someone I clearly cared about and did NOT WANT him to harm himself.

This person Gian is hung up over the same thing Cobi said. Me telling him I missed him in APRIL 2017. Every since I’ve known Cobi I been helping him learn and helping him figure his shit our. ( not my job)

He did not mention Cobi BEGGING ME TO CALL. Or Cobi telling me MULTIPLE times he’d stay alive if I stayed in his life. No mention of THAT.

I reached out to Gian for help because I had done everything possible to stop him. It wouldn’t work.

Gian said it’s not stalking. But here is a link about stalking and what it means : stalking


stalking and cyberstalking are crimes. Some of you may not take it serious. Cyberstalking is a form of emotional assault. Here is what cyber stalking means: cyberstalking

I talked to Gian in October 16,2017. Asking him and his other friends to tell him to leave me alone and to get Cobi help. I was worried for Cobi. I did want him to get help. I won’t go through the laundry list of things I did and told him to better his past and those current moments. But I did what I could. And it wasn’t even my job to do that.

So here is another heap of messages. Check the dates. These dates go back as early as JUNE 2017. Hed check my twitter even when i asked him not to AND I HAD HIM BLOCKED. He was even following me on accounts i had no idea it was him

Again i been telling this guy to leave me alone for months I even got his friends involved. I am NOT responsible for his lack of self control and seeking help.

I noticed he was following me on account I didn’t know about when I seen this ( check what I circled in red). Keep in mind this was also after I told him to stop and stop going on my stuff.

I only kept his messages unblocked again because he KEPT making accounts and sending me messages and unknown calls. I felt it was less anxiety inducing to at least know the number than to not know the number. I even changed my number.

Again being mean didn’t work. Being nice didn’t work. Answering didn’t work. Not answering didn’t work.

Here is another set of screenshots. I blocked him on everything and kept blocking new accounts he’d make. He could only reach on here. I never responded. The only time I’d respond was to tell him to leave me alone( when he’d create new accounts. His abuse (abusive ways) wouldn’t stop. Other times I’d respond telling him how inconsistent and tired I was of his same shit.

Hed write me about my tweets when I had him BLOCKED. When I would tell him to leave me alone and stay off my twitter.

I also am gonna add some more text from someone else also telling him to LEAVE Me alone and he STILL reaches out even after his THERAPIST told him to leave me alone. I’ll include that text too

( i also told him I would respond only to tell him to leave me alone. He wouldn’t believe that. Even tho I never said anything NICE. Because being nice never worked )

You can look at these messages yourself. And he still reached out to me AFTER having this conversation of her telling him to STOP MESSAGING ME.

Here is him texting me going against his MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER WISHES ( i had im unblocked because I was asked to and didn’t block again because he had stopped and left me alone )

I don’t and NEVER accepted his apologizes after asking him to leave me alone. I didn’t wanna give him more chances when I had already gave him too many chances. I didn’t need him to say sorry but guilt ate him.

Even after I told him to leave me alone and it’s NOTHING he could do he wouldnt believe that. Even when someone else explained . Read here. He admits he wouldn’t leave me alone because he felt guilty. He recalls whats wrong/what he would do wrong but wouldnt correct his actions. He was fixated on his own idea even tho I KEPT TELLING HIM NO. Read these :

Im upset he kept saying he is confused when each time he entered my life i told him how I felt and was CONSISTENT ABOUT MY FEELINGS AND CHOICES.

His own friends even start to ignore him because it was ALOT to carry. Which I understand because it was a lot. They need to keep in mind they don’t know this person as anything other than a friend. Not a person who is trying to get with them. Or talk to them in a romantic way. So. As friends you should know you will never experience that side of your friend. It’s not about you thinking you know someone because none of us knew this.

I hope that people get the help they need without depending on other people to save them from themselves. Please seek a therapist. Get help and don’t wait until it’s too late.

all of his fans and friend worried about his mental health while neglecting what affect it had on mine. And the toll it is still taking on me.

He KNEW what he was doing. It was not mistakes. Confusion? How could he have been confused when he’d repeat back to me the wrong he did. He knew.