My Biggest Challenge Yet

2 min readMar 8, 2016


Last time I saw Mum was on the side of State Highway 1, just after I signed up to help the Ogo Team launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.

It’s a contract I’d worked hard to secure. Mum had watched the journey from the start. She (like I), thought the Ogo was really neat.

Go on… how cool is that?

The last time I talked to Mum, I had just left a meeting with the team and a bunch of accountants to discuss the tax implications of crowdfunding perks. She told me she was proud, and that she couldn’t wait to see what we did.

The launch of the campaign was delayed a little by her passing. But today it launched.

When I was looking at the almost-completed page yesterday, with it’s video finished and everything looking great, I broke down in tears.

All I wanted to do was to share it with Mum.

I wanted her to see what we had created. I wanted her to watch what I’m sure will be an amazing, awesome campaign that fills people with excitement and hope. I wanted to share the excitement with her as it funded (because did you watch the video? I’m sure it will).

I wanted to hear what she thought (even though I know what she would have said). I wanted her approval because this campaign is so important to me.

For me, the Ogo campaign will always be linked to my mother. It will always be my final touch-point.

I’m hoping she’s somewhere, ready to cause some miracles. I’m hoping she’ll help us to make it fly. Because for me at least, this one’s dedicated to Mum.

Kat Jenkins is a crowdfunding strategist who has been working with the Ogo Technology team to bring their product to Indiegogo.

To contribute to the Ogo Indiegogo campaign, click here.




Wannabe farmer, cat-wrangler, occasional writer.