Fight to hustle another day

The hustle is real. But today’s a brand new day.

Kat Loughrey
3 min readFeb 9, 2017
Image credit: Unsplash

There’s no denying it, freelancing is a tough gig.

It’s just not something you one-day wake up and can suddenly do perfectly. It’s an ever-changing and evolving journey that the longer you pursue, the more it pushes you to grow and get comfortable with the uncomfortable… Every. Single. Day.

Hell though, it’s easy to get caught up in the fantasy. I fell into that trap when I first started. I thought leaving my home country was the hardest part. I figured I could just easily jump into this freelancing life. I looked at fellow successful freelancers in my network and thought ‘wow, why aren’t I there yet’.

Compare, despair. That ain’t no place you wanna go.

After two years at this game, I’ve improved significantly in various ways — I’m working smarter, faster and have a better idea of boundaries. But there’s one thing that has stuck with me that I kinda wish someone had told me way back in the beginning. That despite all the shit that goes down, regardless of the wins, the losses and the challenges; when it all feels overwhelming or impossible, never forget that you can and will… fight to hustle another day.

“Never forget that you can and will… fight to hustle another day.”

When you think you’ve had a productive day, pushed through loads of work, signed off for the evening (the first one in weeks early), feeling content with the day’s achievements, only to wake up the next day to something you missed, an email you should have seen last night, a task you should have done better…. you will fight to hustle another day.

When you send a proposal and realize days later it had a teeny tiny mistake in it, when you misunderstand the brief for a client and don’t realize til you’re neck-deep in the project, when you forget to reply to an email or miss a typo because you’re quite simply outright exhausted…. you will fight to hustle another day.

As most freelancers, remote workers, indie workers, digital nomads will attest — We’ve all been there. We’ve all had our “moments”. We’re all human. We’re emotional beings who feel, who are affected when we feel we’ve let others, and ourselves, down. It’s OK, it’s normal.

So if you’re in one of those moments right now, the best advice I can give you is this. Dust yourself off, take a deep breath, note the learning (write it down even), and pause for a moment (hell mediate for 10mins if you can). Remember why you’re on this journey, why you chose it. Remember you’re human, you’re doing the best you can, you’re learning as much as you can to be a better you and to run a better business. And that… you will fight to hustle another day.

Yesterday is behind you. Mistakes were made. Wins were made. Learnings were made. But today is a brand new day. And as Tony Robbins said… today’s not over yet.

The hustle is real. But you will live to hustle another day.

This post was written in 30mins as part of my new aim to write 500 words in 30 mins regularly in 2017. Some you’ll see on my website or here on Medium, and some will just be for me. Join me on this power blogging challenge and let’s share more with the world together :) #500in30 💪

I believe it’s never too late to take the leap… You can read more on and also catch my blog posts on freelancing on

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any thoughts, ideas, vents or more on ‘the hustle’. I’d love to hear from you.




Kat Loughrey

All about daring (remote) leaps, digital life, and dance music. ✌️