Announcement: We got our FYN Twitter account back! Additional updates for all supporters
2 min readJun 12, 2017


We are both happy and relieved to announce that we have successfully retrieved our FundYourselfNow Twitter account at 11am (UTC +8) today, 13 hours after the account was compromised yesterday. We have since removed all offending tweets that pointed to the fraudulent contract address.

For those of you concerned about the 2 contributors who have transferred ethers to the fraudulent contract address, please rest assured that we will honor their contributions and issue them the FYN tokens from our internal company token pool. Based on the transaction history, we have verified the identity and personally contacted these 2 contributors who contributed a total of 90 ethers.

Currently, our priority is to ensure that none of our other accounts are compromised. As a security precaution, we have changed and strengthened the passwords to all our emails, social media, website and server admin accounts. As a reassurance, all passwords stored on our FYN portal are encrypted. Over the course of today, we will be reviewing the codes on our web server to ensure that our code is secure and safe.

The crowdsale date will continue

From the FYN Team,

Jack Ser, CEO & Kenneth, COO

For those interested in our journey to retrieving our Twitter account, please read on :)

Chronology of Events this morning

At the break of dawn in Singapore this morning, the FYN team rushed down to the Singapore Twitter HQ to report the issue.

FYN at Twitter HQ Singapore

We want to say a big thank you to Mr Khairulnizam Bin Abidi and Mr Francis Teo, Security Managers at Twitter Asia Pacific, for helping us escalate the issue to the relevant people in Twitter and enabling us to successfully retrieve the account within the next 90 minutes.

We subsequently filed a police report for the cyber-attack/cyber-ransom that happened to FYN.

Singapore Police HQ, Cantonment Complex

As a final note, we would like to re-emphasize that FYN will never ask contributors to send ethers to addresses via tweets, facebook posts, slack chats or telegram posts. If you are unsure or receive suspicious messages, please drop us a message on slack and telegram to verify first. We will only post the official crowdsale address on the FYN dashboard.

