Part 2 / Research of a customer’s rental experience on a racetrack.

2 min readDec 5, 2018


First outcomes

In the recent 9 days, 48 people (so far) took part in our research, 100% male in the age range between 17 and 40. Our goal is at least 100 by the end of the phase (14 days more). And the sky is the limit :)

Our main source of data was and still is Instagram, ±90% of the sent by us requests. We used to approach people who we think are well fitting our research requirements via direct messages.

Our main criteria was in a relation to a race track and obvious love and passion for cars (which was usually richly spreader in the responder’s Instagram accounts in all forms and shapes). We decided to aim in the beginning for a quite wide range of responders: from those who had just 1 lap 5 years ago with a rented car (1 person) up to Lamborghini profi race drivers (2 persons). We believe that covering such a wide range of users helps to open initial bandwidth, find common pain points and shape the future focus directions. You never really know where you will find that one spark of a million-dollar worth idea, right? ;)

±30% of our message attempts were successful. Account owners accepted our requests and agreed to participate and fill out one of our Google form questioners. In order to get ready for a wild variety of our participants, Deniz and I have come up with 3 sets of questions:

  • first one with 21 questions for those who used to rent cars several times on a track for
  • Second with 27 questions for car owners who used to take their 4-wheeled (track-customized or not that much) beasts for track journeys on a more-less regular base
  • and 27 questions for those who actually make crazy money by racing (just kidding, don’t know of their salaries and maybe they race for food)

Depending on our gut feeling we were sending links to one or other sets in the DMs. Or even both sometimes in some exceptionally open and versatile profiles.

Thank you all who got involved and took time to answer. We can’t describe how much we appreciate your time and shared opinion.

The research phase is still ongoing but we would like already share with you preliminary results. This is the smallest thing we can do for you so far :)

PS: Fun facts:

  • One time I’ve been asked to trade information for nudes (was a mistake tho and we ended up in a cool joyful conversation about the role of females in the automotive industry :D
  • One of our participants actually owns Lambo
  • Draft name of the service is T-GORA

To be continued…




Car interface designer, AR tech enthusiast, speaker-amateur, passionate traveller and biological sci-fi fan