Was King David Part Jordanian?

And what does that make Jesus?

Katharine Trauger
3 min readJan 2, 2023


Sandy passage between rocky brown mountains. Blue sky above.
Photo by Konstantinos Kaskanis on Unsplash

Little noticeable difference exists between most arid lands. This photo is the land David’s great-grandmother came from. And here is one she moved to before she ever had any children. Sand. Lots of sand and even some quicksand. If it rains, and it does rain, often lots of sand washing away.

It was before the barley harvest, February or maybe March, when Ruth set out from Moab — now in Jordan — with her expat mother-in-law for the very foreign (to Ruth) land of Israel. Ruth had insisted she be allowed to go with. She wanted to leave the land that had given her nothing but death.

See, Ruth had married an Israeli, and he had died. Ruth, perhaps to honor her husband, chose to go to her husband’s family. Or maybe she sensed they would claim her. Or maybe she had no hope and had learned there is hope in the God of Israel. Perhaps some of each reason.

She knew she would have to face The Great I Am, for sure.

First, get a job

Yes, women worked back then. Whether they managed a huge home, or eked out an existence in a small abode, or hired themselves out for farm work — or other less discrete work — yes, they worked. Whether managing servants or being the…



Katharine Trauger

Jesus lover. Professional Mom. Writer, Speaker, Counselor. Contest winner. Woods dweller. Scratch cook. . Content completely A.I. free.