A Labor Day Message

Kathy Manning
2 min readSep 3, 2018


On Labor Day, we honor the contributions and celebrate hard-working people who have helped shape our community, our state, and our country over the years.

From Lexington and High Point to Greensboro and Statesville, our hard-working neighbors, family, and friends have built the foundation of what makes North Carolina an incredible place to live, work, and raise a family. From world-renowned furniture markets and textile mills to family farms and small businesses, our region of North Carolina thrived for years.

But our area of North Carolina has also hit hard times. Unfair trade deals that decimated our local economy and cost our state hundreds of thousands of jobs, then a Great Recession that hit our community even harder. Ten years later, we’re still recovering. Politicians like Congressman Budd brag about unemployment rates and tout corporate tax cuts for his wealthy donors and special interest friends. Politicians want us to believe everything is rosy, but I’ve traveled thousands of miles across this district during this campaign, and one thing is clear: People across our district are struggling, and no one in Congress is listening to them.

People are working two, sometimes three, jobs to make ends meet because they can’t find a job with a livable wage. Businesses are struggling to find trained workers because there aren’t enough job retraining and skills-based education opportunities available. A mother of three is deciding between paying for her prescription medication or her family’s electric bill.

We can do better. But not with our current Representative in Washington.

Congressman Budd, who has been called Wall Street’s “best new ally,” isn’t standing up for North Carolina families. His corporate special interest campaign donors write his campaign a check, then he votes their way — even when it hurts North Carolina.

The 13th District deserves a Representative who will fight to ensure we have an economy that works for all North Carolinians, not special interests and those at the top. I’m running for Congress because working North Carolina families deserve a champion who will fights for families, not Wall Street and corporate special interests.

This district is my home. I’ve spent the last thirty years bringing people together to get hard things done for our community — now I’m ready to go to Congress and do the same. Every day, I will fight to make our community a place where our children want to build their lives, raise their families, and have access to economic opportunity.

On this Labor Day, I salute the hard-working North Carolinians who built our state, and pledge to stand with you every day to fight for a better tomorrow and economic opportunity we can all share.



Kathy Manning

Mom, wife, business person, attorney, community leader, and candidate for North Carolina's 13th Congressional District. #NC13