Travelling Tips for the Festive Season

Katie Hetherington
5 min readDec 14, 2017

For many, the festive season has people travelling here, there and everywhere. Whether it’s visiting family or jetting off for a Christmas getaway, the winter congestion affects us all.

The travel frenzy hits hard just when the darker nights set in and the weather gets worse. As a combination, these can lead to long waits and potential accidents if travel plans aren’t thought ahead of.

With that being the case, here are a few tips to help minimise any festive travel stress!

Travelling Tips

· Avoid Peak Dates such as Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and New Years Day. You can avoid congestion and cut costs as these are more expensive dates to travel on!

· Plan your route, especially if you’re going to the airport. Make sure you know how you’re getting there and where you’re going.

· Check connecting flights. You want to ensure that there is enough time in between in case of a delay but not so much that you’re waiting hours for a flight. Alternatively…

· Book non-stop flights. This way you can fly directly without any long-lasting overlays.

· Leave early to give yourself plenty of time in case there is any traffic or delays.

Savvy Travelling

· Shop around. Holidays are expensive, especially during peak periods, by shopping around you could save some cash, or…

· Buy a package deal. This way flights, transfers, hotel and even meals are sorted. It takes the pressure to get everything booked and meticulously planned.

· Pre-book holiday hires. If you’re looking to rent any forms of transportation you should pre-book to secure the hire. Plus, pre-booking could be cheaper than purchasing on the day.

· Cash exchange. Try to estimate your expenditure and exchange your money before travelling, this way you can secure a much better exchange rate.

· Weigh your luggage. Before getting to the airport check that your cases and hand luggage comply with the weight limit. Baggage costs aren’t cheap and can make for a bitter start to a holiday.

· Compare duty-free prices. Duty free always sounds like it’s a great bargain, but is it? Do your research before buying products abroad. Otherwise you could end up paying more for something you could get cheaper at home.

· Toiletries. Remember to pack shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, mouthwash, sun-cream (if lucky enough), hairspray etc. They’re easy to forget but expensive to buy. Stores abroad tend to up the prices on these items as they know that holidaymakers will shell out for the necessities.

Tangible Tips

· Avoid wrapping presents. If you intend on taking presents in your hand luggage, then put them in a gift bag. This way the security guards can easily search them.

· Cushion presents. Whether presents in the hold or in your hand luggage, remember to cushion them. Especially if they’re liquid gifts. The last thing you want is to arrive and find your carefully selected present is broken.

· Pack efficiently. Try not to overfill or cram your clothes into the suitcase. Firstly, take out everything you don’t need and then trying to wear bulky items on the plane. This way your ‘party’ clothes won’t get too creased.

· Pack efficiently, part II. Avoid over-packing your hand luggage with unnecessary items. Bulky items, electrical goods or liquids tend to be thoroughly searched. An over-packed bag leads to a timely search and re-packing process.

Remember to…

· Check your documents. Before jet-setting off on your hols, check whether you’ve got all the correct documents including visas, passports, tickets and travel insurance. Plus, don’t forget to check that they’re in date!

· Pack entertainment. If you’re travelling with large layovers or if they’re any delays be sure to have something to keep everyone entertained. From small children to grannies and grandpas. Waiting around isn’t fun for anyone, so why not pack something for everyone?

· Research importation laws. Depending on where you’re travelling to you may be limited to what food, drink and goods you’re allowed to take and bring back. If you attempt to bring anything restricted in or out of the country you could be faced with delays, fines and worst-case scenario you could be detained.

· Charge your phone. This way you can contact anyone if you’ve been delayed, call for transfers and be up-to-date on potential delays via AA, Met Office or the airport app.

· Have a physical copy of contacts. Make a note of phone numbers and addresses of hotels, car rentals, holiday homeowners, friends, family in case you were delayed and have to arrive later than expected.

Travelling during the festive season can be a nightmare, there are constant delays and people are in a rush. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be. By simply planning ahead, being savvy and efficient you can cut your costs whilst also save yourself time and unnecessary stress.

If you’re travelling during the festive season, remember to keep your cool as security checks will be heightened. I suggest you go with the flow and look on the bright side. After all, it’s Christmas, why spend it as a Scrooge?

Do you have any tips or travel suggestions? Comment below or tweet me @Schofields or @KatieeH13

Katie Hetherington, Content and Social Media Manager at Schofields. Primarily write about travel, lifestyle and holiday home maintenance.



Katie Hetherington

Avid traveller. Expert hat wearer. Writer with a passion for lifestyle, health, travel and culture. Music and Mountain Dew is what keeps me going!