Accidental vegan

Katie Bird
3 min readFeb 19, 2015


I love food, but my body doesn’t always agree with my dietary lovers. I discovered an intolerance to gluten a few years ago and have since noticed other food sensitivities. But those little tummy aches were nothing compared to what I had gone through when trying to pinpoint the source of my upset stomach. I guess I figured I had already changed enough aspects of my diet by ridding gluten of my pantry. At that point, I ate a mostly vegetarian diet, being an animal rights activist and angsty young adult. However, with the big change in my routine I started eating red meat and (lots of) cheese on a regular basis.

As I discovered a true delight in cooking, I experimented with artery-clogging, mouth-watering meaty creations: pulled pork poutine, candied bacon and homemade meaty pizza.

Yup, maple syrup glaze on half a pound of bacon

Needless to say, my palate and my boyfriend were very enthusiastic about these carnivorous dishes. But I felt like crap. I felt bloated, grumpy, constantly exhausted and my relationship with food had become obsessive and dysfunctional.

In January, I jotted down a few sensible New Year’s resolutions:

  1. Run a marathon in the Spring
  2. Spend more time with family and friends, and less at work
  3. Ditto for outside time
  4. Feel good

Now, resolutions 1–3 are pretty straightforward. It involves a balanced lifestyle and less workaholism.

Number 4, however…

And that’s how I decided to do a 21 day detox and finally put my Oh She Glows cookbook to use. I cut out all refined sugars, red meat, white rice, alcohol and increased my tea, smoothies, veggies, fruits and nuts consumption. I occasionally ate a bit of fish or chicken, but mostly stuck to a vegan diet.

I was somewhat overwhelmed by the change in ingredients, the sudden over-use of my food processor and the ubiquitous taste of coconut in my meals. Luckily my boyfriend tagged along for the ride and we had fun planning our weekly meals.

I must admit that I was hooked after my first chia pudding parfait on the second day of the detox. I couldn’t believe a mix of chia pudding, homemade granola clusters and fruit could be so delicious in the morning!

I gradually become more confident in the kitchen and even a little adventurous. My stomach finally calmed down, my mind cleared, my anxiety reduced and I admit my relationship with food new seems…normal. I can eat without feeling guilty, don’t feel the urge to binge and actually feel pretty good about my body.

There are only three days left to my detox and my boyfriend is already counting the days till he’ll be able to go to The Works to gorge on bacon covered burgers and beer, but I’m dreading it.

I didn’t think I’d be making any drastic long term changes to my diet, but I kind of accidentally became a vegan. Guess I’ll stick with it for now.

