On Bernie & His Cult: Taking Down the Lies: Part I: “But Neoliberalism…”

Smart Ass Dem-inist
7 min readApr 8, 2018


I’m sick & fucking tired of these neoprogressive clowns. I’m sick of them calling a man who didn’t vote or get a job until age 40, & then for the freaking government (which he calls “the establishment”) a “revolutionary.”

I’m armed to the teeth w/the thing these brocialists hate most: facts.

Here are a few:
(1). The man who railed about needing campaign finance reform violated a SHIT TON of campaign finance laws: letting donors give > the legal max, taking illegal $ from Australia, $10M in dark $, & forming a fucking PAC, which is also a non-profit 501(c)(4), & therefore, has NO BUSINESS legally taking $ & endorsing candidates. He did this last shitty thing in AUGUST 2016, when he was SUPPOSED TO BE stumping for HRC.

(2). This jerk called Hillary a “Wall Street shill,” despite that the speeches SHE gave were ab why micro-lending & women in leadership are good ideas, & that same jerk got elected bc of the NRA, votes to help the gun/weapons industry, makes major contracts w weapons manufacturers to the tune of 1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, had that industry donate LARGE amounts for 2016 (more than ANY OTHER Senator, in fact), & thinks a woman giving an honorarium @ a bank about fighting oppression is somehow worse.

(3). I’m tired of a misognyst white man, who published essays ab how people should let their kids run around naked & that parents deprive their 16-year- old daughters, who are 3 years past “natural childbearing age,” of the joy of being gang raped. This same misogynist probably thinks it’s great I was raped as a child, & that maybe I won’t die of cancer because of all the orgasms I must’ve had from having “every” woman/girl’s fantasy fulfilled. Never mind that saying that all women/girls wish to be gang raped by men is also heterosexist, or that saying every men’s fantasy is for women to be sexually abused is sick. Never mind that MANY survivors of abuse, especially sexual abuse, become disabled and/or die. This jerk posits himself as a “champion of women” while saying HRC wasn’t “progressive enough,”/“qualified,” & our female Congress leaders are “sellouts.” This is a man who had NOTHING in his platform about women’s rights or anything regarding women’s issues and healthcare, and who said that the way he would address sexism is by…wait for it…RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE. Because somehow, women not getting promoted, hired, or paid equally will be fixed if the government must pay the people it does hire $15 an hour.

(4). I’m sick of hearing Cornel West (whose critical legal studies (CLS) theories were discredited by critical race theorists over 20 years ago for being exclusionary) call Bernie & tRump “authentic Brothers.” I’m sick of Bernie calling people of color “low information voters,” “irrelevant,” & his asinine supporters thinking that dumping toxic waste on an indigent Latinx community is what people who “fight racism” do. I’m sick of Bernie losing 90+% of the votes of people of color, & acting as though he’s loved by us because of his use of tokenism. I’m sick of his few “friends” of color being people like West, Tavis Smiley (whose DEFENSE in response to sexual misconduct allegations pretty well established his guilt, & who faced myriad allegations from women that were investigated for over a year by an indpendent law firm & corroborated), or the like. As a woman of color, I don’t appreciate hearing that Bernie’s rank ignorance of 90+% of our wishes is due to our failure to “comprehend” how wonderful he is. I’m tired of a man who wanted to primary the Black man & woman POTUS candidates, and who trashed Obama on MLK’s 50th anniversary event.

(5). I’m tired AF of hearing “Bernie would’ve won,” when he lost by 4 MILLION votes & has no explanation for how he, an unpopular white man who can’t win a southern state to save his life (possibly because he said the south is “irrelevant” & his brocialism isn’t well received in southern states), would also have beaten Putin. When the woman got more votes than any white man in history & about 3 MILLION MORE than tRump, how TF was Bernie going to meet, much less exceed, her record? And, EVEN IF HE HAD (which he fucking wouldn’t), how TF would any amount of votes have been enough to overcome the Russian CHEATING that altered the result?!

(6). This is long, & I have 400 or so more, but finally (for now) I’m SICK & TIRED of hearing neoprogressive fools spew the 5–7 words they know, like:
-“oligarchy” (something he actively supports, whether it’s praising Fidel Castro & idealizing foreign dictators, or admitting he had the “same message” as the fascist in the White House),
-“1%” (a class he is a MEMBER of),
-“establishment” (which he uses as a pejorative against CIVIL RIGHTS ORGS that all “just happened” to not endorse him, despite him seeking their support — now why would an “anti-establishment” person seek such endorsements if the groups are so awful? Meanwhile, he has lived off TAXPAYERS for 36 years, during which time he’s written 3 BILLS EVER, 2 to name post offices — how very “non-establishment.”),

AND, last but not least:
-calling Democrats “neoliberal.”
First of all, neoliberalism is an economic theory (propagated by Hayek in the 1930s as an alternative to Keynesian economic theory)that white male bro-losiphers talked ab 50+ years ago, because like Bernie, it meant they didn’t have to do ACTUAL WORK, so they dressed up Marx while getting paid to prop up the ivory tower, & they were suddenly “new.”

No, they fucking weren’t. Heidegger was a Nazi. DeLeuze & Guattari were rich insane (literally) white men who did a bunch of LSD, had a commune, threw pieces of paper all over, scribbled random crap when whimsy hit, pieced their crap together, & tweaked Marx/Lenin a tiny bit by critiquing capitalism on acid in a freaking “clinic” that encouraged psychiatrists and patients to “fraternize.” There’s a good reason their works have titles like A Thousand Plateaus (they wrote about Marxism while tripping & made MONEY doing it — gee, wonder where that title came from), Capitalism & Schizophrenia, (in which they were in the latter state (literally — DeLeuze committed suicide by jumping out of a window), while writing ab the former, & where they did actual ppl w mental illness the disservice of comparing their struggles to FUCKING ECONOMIC THEORY). Sartre, another of their “existentialist” favs, couldn’t even do his own job, so he had his female partner, Simone de Beauvoir ghostwrite for him (for which she received NO $ or recognition), & she did this while trying to fight misogyny AND writing books of her own. Sound familiar?!

Now, back to “neoliberalism” — the ECONOMIC THEORY — which puts a premium on corporate welfare: EVERY. SINGLE. DEM. VOTED. AGAINST. THE. TAX. SCAM. Hardly a “neoliberal” thing to do. Dems also tried to enact/save/stabilize, & — oh, that’s fucking right — add a PUBLIC OPTION to, universal healthcare. Hardly neoliberal.

These neoprogressive trolls don’t know what the words they spout MEAN.
EVERY time I ask them to define “neoliberal,” they say something like “Hillary doesn’t want the minimum wage raised.”
Which (a) is a lie, (she just had a more thorough plan because of (c)), &
(b) is irrelevant because there’s no inherent relationship between the fucking wage & whether you favor corporate welfare, &
(c)historically, EVERY TIME the minimum wage is raised, ppl on the bottom are WORSE OFF. Yes, they are. Why? Because nobody with such a simplistic idea bothered to factor in/address how corporations act or how inflation & other factors work, so the cost of living increases at a rate that far exceeds “wage raises,” corporations pass off the cost of such “raises,” via layoffs/reduced hours/benefits/higher prices, & we ALL lose because the people who think raising minimum wage is so “progressive” didn’t bother to regulate how that wage gets absorbed by the market/companies, because they were too…NEOLIBERAL to fucking pay attention, & they let businesses get away with that crap.

Now, if you’re like me, you’re tired AF of hearing how fighting for equal pay, against systemic racism, to make guns unavailable/stop gun deaths, stop cops from murdering/otherwise destroying people of color, stop 1 tiny cadre of white men from owning women’s bodies, eliminate environmental racism, acknowledge global warming & work towards sustainable energy, tax people so the actual 1% pays more & the socioeconomic bottom isn’t dying, AND preserve healthcare/social services/etc., makes us “neoliberal shills.”

So, if you’d prefer to shut their fucking clown car down w 1 url, here is a present from me to you that should end the stupid ass discussion on how Dems are so fucking “neoliberal”: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/aug/18/neoliberalism-the-idea-that-changed-the-world

P. Fucking. S.- Conor Lamb won, beating a tRumper in a heavily gerrymandered district that went to Cheetoh McGarbageFace by TWENTY POINTS. Guess whose “help” he didn’t ask for/receive?! Bernie’s. We’ve won over 41 elections since 2017. The WI SCOTUS just got a MAJOR flip. The Dem candidate for the Senate in TN is up by double-digits. This is what a fucking revolution looks like, Bernouts. Please go away, so we can continue doing the actual work of getting things done & cleaning up this mess you helped give us, with your neoprogressive BS ab how Hillary & tRump are “the same.” Let us know when she sexually assaults 17 ppl, brags ab it, mocks the disabled, is TERRIFIED to testify before the FBI, & commits treason. Meanwhile, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.

Rant over. For now. To be continued…

