Just Admit That You Hate Fat People

Kacy Preen
6 min readSep 4, 2018

If you’re offended by a fat woman wearing clothes, it is you that needs to look in the mirror.

The Three Graces, plus-size by today’s standards.

Some time ago I wrote about the supposed balance between public health messages and fat acceptance. I say it’s a supposed balance because the two things aren’t actually at odds with each other. But, as happens so often, this argument has reared its monstrously ugly head again and we need to address it. It would seem that a fat person has drawn attention to themselves in a positive way, and people are outraged:

Just a selection of the predictable comments.

Cosmopolitan made the “controversial” decision to have plus-size model Tess Holliday as their cover girl. Again, when I say “controversial”, I mean it’s actually not that controversial. But plenty of people sure think it is.

The commonly espoused justification is that people are concerned about the message it sends to an easily-influenced public. And how could that be bad, after all they’re just thinking of the greater benefit to humanity, right? I’m unconvinced. We have a paradox around body size, with fashion models getting thinner and the general population getting fatter.



Kacy Preen

Journalist, author, feminist. Reading the comments so you don’t have to.