#MeToo: For Those Who Don’t Get It

Kacy Preen
10 min readMar 1, 2018

CN: Discussion of rape culture, and a generous side order of sarcasm.

Yup. We’re still doing this one.

Since the #MeToo movement initially broke, I’ve had time to reflect on my own beliefs and behaviour, and those of the society that made the movement necessary. The sense of empathy and solidarity that the movement has generated has allowed me, and others, to speak up whereas before our voices were unheard. Together, we feel safe making some noise. But there are some who seem to not get it. Accompanying our cries of vindication is the predictable backlash, denying the issue, minimising our accounts, and defending the status quo. It’s horrible, and highlights all of the problems that made #MeToo necessary in the first place. I want the detractors to piss off and let us get on with improving society, but they’re not going anywhere — so let’s address their concerns. Don’t worry — I’m not going to sugarcoat a thing.

If you think about what they’re defending, its abhorrence becomes clearer. Why would anyone be in favour of continued abuse and harassment by powerful men? The rap sheet for even the minor offenders is stomach-churning, yet we have ordinary people, pillars of society and regular joes alike, defending the reputation of serial rapists and attacking the veracity of hundreds of corroborating testimonies. Aside from the cognitive dissonance needed to follow that logic, these defenders…



Kacy Preen

Journalist, author, feminist. Reading the comments so you don’t have to.