Kaunas You Are
2 min readMay 1, 2016


Smiltynė beach

Klaipeda is the third largest city in Lithuania, located in the Baltic Sea coast. The city of Klaipeda has a complex history because it was for a long time occupied by German people (during the world war two). Then after independency of Lithuania it became a famous seaside resort appreciate by Russians, Lithuanians and Germans people. Then, after a long time we’ve decided to visit this city hopping for a good weather. We booked a journey with other Erasmus student’s direction Klaipeda. We caught a bus from Kaunas to Klaipeda at 9.00 am on Saturday the 23rd. After 3h of bus we arrived in the center and we took our place into the hostel. It was friendly and with the other Erasmus people we walked in the direction of the sea. On the road, with a beautiful weather, sun on top we saw a beautiful old ship as old of the 17th centuries. Next, we walked along the canal who goes to the sea. But before, we needed to take a ferryboat to pass the peninsula of Neringa. Neringa is the smallest municipality of Klaipeda but it is the most beautiful including the seaside resort NIDA located at 4 km of Russian Border Kalingrad. It was the refuge of famous writers Thomas Mann, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.

Next, after a long day of visit, we decided to come back at the hostel to eat. Zakary one of Erasmus made us a delicious pasta with curry sauce and we said thanks again for that. After we planned to hang out in the center in order to discover Klaipeda nightlife, and, on the advice of the receptionist, we went to the FANKAS BAR. In the next day morning even if it was raining we visited the old town of Klaipeda with the spit fortress but it was under construction. Also, we saw beautiful street art on big wall. Then, after a good lunch we came back to Kaunas.

To be continued RUDY



Kaunas You Are