From Data to Decisions: Revolutionizing HR Analytics with Power BI

Kavya D
5 min readFeb 25, 2023


Analyzing employee's presence using Power BI

Table of contents

Problem statement

AtliQ Hardware, with multiple branches across India, provides computer hardware and peripheral manufacturers to its clients. The HR department of a company is facing challenges in monitoring employee attendance and identifying patterns of absenteeism. They need to have a comprehensive view of the attendance records of all employees, including the number of leaves taken and reasons for absence.


As a data analyst, to solve the problem of analyzing employee attendance and presence for HR, developing BI dashboard can help in identifying trends, patterns, and issues that could impact the company’s productivity and profitability.

Tools Used: Excel, PowerBI


We are provided with the Excel datasheet which contains the employees data for 3 months between April 2022-June 2022. Data set contains employee code, employees name and employees attendance data along with attendance keys Eg: SL → Sick Leave.


  • Find Total Employees Attendance %, Sick Leave % and Work from home %
  • Find the trends for it over time
  • Analyzing the same trends in week days

Data Cleaning

Data set in our excel looks like this.

  • I’ve made the first row as headers
  • Then removed the first row
  • Removed the Attendance key sheet as it wont be helpful during visualization
  • And unpivoted the all the rows except employee code and name on June, May and April 2022
  • And created a function so that if I’m going to add data in future it won’t have any impact

Data after cleaning looks like this

Finding Total Employees Attendance %, Sick Leave % and Work from home %

Employees Attendance % is considered a Presence% in our report. In order to find the Presence%, we need to find total present days and total working days. Present days are the actual working days.

For finding these values, I’ve created a table and added measure to do these calculations.

Total Days = COUNT('Final Data'[Value])
Total Non working days = CALCULATE(COUNT('Final Data'[Value]), 'Final Data'[Value] in {"WO","HO"})
Total Working Days = [Total Days]-[Total Non working days]
Present Days =

VAR Presentdays= CALCULATE(COUNT('Final Data'[Value]), 'Final Data'[Value]="P")

Presentdays + [WFH count]
Presence % = DIVIDE([Present Days],[Total Working Days],0)

Using Card, we have found the presence %

Similarly, I have found for Sick leave % and Work from home% by creating new measures

First, I’ve added two new columns to find the WFH count and SL count and calculated the measures

WFH % = DIVIDE([WFH count],[Present Days],0)
SL % = DIVIDE([SL count],[Total Working Days],0)

Find the trends for it over time

Inorder to find the trends over time for all the three above mentioned measures, I’ve used area chart to get the insights with x-axis being date and y-axis being the measures we found.

Using filters, I have removed Weekends for getting proper insights.

Analyzing the same trends in week days

First, I’ve created a new column to fetch the days from date column.

Then I’ve created used matrix plot to find the presence %, SL % and WFH % w.r.t to days using day of the week column.

Additional Tasks

  • I’ve created a table to find the presence %, SL % and WFH % of each employees for to get better insights.
  • Added a horizontal tiles to find the insights for each month.

Final Report


  • There is a slight decrease in employees attendance over time
  • There is an increase in the trend where people opted for Work from home
  • There is an slight increase in the Sick leave trend over time
  • Most people attended office on Tuesdays
  • Most people opted for Work from home on Fridays
  • Most people took sick leaves on Mondays

What I’ve Learned

  • Use of template and functions during data cleaning
  • How unpivot is useful during data cleaning
  • Use of simple DAX functions
  • Use of filtering in Area chart
  • Use of Trendline and data labels in Area chart to get better insights

Link to GitHub:

Link to view live dashboard:


Thank you! Happy Learning :)



Kavya D

Data & AI Enthusiast. Artist and Calligrapher by Passion : )