Improving Sales Insights with Power BI

Kavya D
5 min readFeb 26, 2023


Finding the sales analysis of AtliQ Technologies using Power BI

Table of contents

Tools used: Power BI, MySQL

Problem statement

AtliQ Hardware, with multiple branches across India, provides computer hardware and peripheral manufacturers to its clients. The sales director is encountering difficulties in comprehending the company’s current issues and performance, as sales are decreasing below expectations.

Whenever the director seeks updates from regional managers regarding sales and the market, they tend to sugarcoat the truth and send excessive Excel files, adding to the director’s frustration. The frustration is understandable, as humans often find it challenging to comprehend numbers from Excel files.


As a data analyst, a solution to address the sales director’s problem at AtliQ hardware would be to BI dashboards that can help with data visualization and analysis. The sales director can use dashboard that pulls in data from various sources, including the company’s sales data, market trends, and regional manager reports. With the dashboard, the sales director can easily see the current state of the business, identify problem areas, and make data-driven decisions.

By having a clear, visual representation of the data, the sales director can also avoid relying on Excel files and sugar-coated reports from regional managers, which can lead to misunderstandings and frustration.


We are provided with the SQL dataset which contains customers, date, transactions, markets, and products tables. We need to provide insights using the data from those tables


  • Finding Profit Margin, Sales Quantity and Revenue made in each year/month
  • Analyzing top 5 customers and product by revenue
  • Finding the Revenue Margin Contribution, Profit Margin Contribution and Profit % by each customer
  • Finding the Revenue Margin Contribution, Profit Margin Contribution and Profit % by each Market
  • Finding the Revenue trend by years
  • Analyzing Revenue contribution by customer type

Data Cleaning

  • Removed zones which were left blank in market table
  • Removed sales amount which were less than 0 in sales transaction table
  • Created new table called Normalized sales price to convert the USD price to INR price in sales transaction table
  • Removed duplicates from currency column in sales transaction table

Finding Profit Margin, Sales Quantity and Revenue made in each year/month

For all DAX calculations, I’ve created a separate table called as Base Measure and added measures in it.

Sales quantity = SUM('sales transactions'[sales_qty])
Revenue = SUM('sales transactions'[Normalized_sales_price])
Total Profit Margin = SUM('sales transactions'[profit_margin])
Profit margin % = DIVIDE([Total Profit Margin],[Revenue],0)
Revenue Margin Contribution % = DIVIDE([Revenue],CALCULATE([Revenue],ALL('sales customers'),ALL('sales markets'), ALL('sales products')))
Profit Margin Contribution % = DIVIDE([Total Profit Margin],CALCULATE([Total Profit Margin],ALL('sales customers'),ALL('sales markets'), ALL('sales products')))

I’ve used Card chart to visualize the values

Analyzing top 5 customers and product by revenue

To display the top 5 customers, I’ve added stacked bar chart and used filtering type Top N to display in chart with x-axis to be revenue and y-axis to be customer and product code

Finding the Revenue Margin Contribution, Profit Margin Contribution and Profit % by each customer

Added a table to display Revenue Margin Contribution, Profit Margin Contribution and Profit % by each customer

Finding the Revenue Margin Contribution, Profit Margin Contribution and Profit % by each Market

Added stack bar chart to display Revenue Margin Contribution, Profit Margin Contribution and Profit % by each Market separately

Finding the Revenue trend by years

Line chart is used to analyze the revenue trend by years with x-axis as date and y-axis with revenue

Analyzing Revenue contribution by customer type

Used donut chart to get insights on revenue contribution by customer type with legend to be customer type and value as revenue

Additional Tasks

  • Added a horizontal tiles to find the insights for each year and each month.
  • Added line and clustered column chart to analyze the profit margin % in current year with last year
  • Added slicer with value to be profit margin %. So whenever we have market or zones less than target value %, it’ll be indicated in different color
  • Added page navigators to navigate easily between pages

Final Report


  • There is a decrease in the revenue trend from 2017–2020
  • Delhi NCR is the highest contributor in Revenue and Sales quantity by Market
  • E-commerce gives the highest revenue contribution by customer type
  • Surat gives highest profit % by market
  • Central Market contributes to more Revenue

What I’ve Learned

  • How to do basic DAX calculations in measures
  • Importing data from SQL to Power BI
  • Publishing report to Power BI service
  • How to use basic charts for visualization
  • How to use filters in charts
  • Use of page navigators

Link to GitHub:

Link to view live dashboard:


Thank you! Happy Learning :)



Kavya D

Data & AI Enthusiast. Artist and Calligrapher by Passion : )