You Need To Learn AI in 2024! (And Here Is Your Roadmap)

Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2024


Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash

Let me tell you a story real quick. Last week, I was chatting with my buddy Raj over some lukewarm lattes at our favorite cafe, The Brewing Grounds.

Raj is a software engineer at one of those fancy AI startups in Silicon Valley. He makes a cushy six-figure salary building chatbots and recommendation algorithms.

Raj was going on and on about how AI is transforming everything — self-driving cars, personalized medicine, even generating its own art and music!

“Bro, you gotta learn this stuff,” he said, “It’s taking over the world!”

I shrugged and changed the subject to the new season of Stranger Things. Demogorgons are less scary than the AI takeover if you ask me.

But Raj was right. I can’t avoid this AI train much longer. It’s leaving the station, whether I get onboard or not.

So I’ve decided that 2024 is my year to start understanding this AI explosion. And I’m bringing you along for the ride! All aboard the AI train! Next stop, the future!

I’m creating a FREE AI course that will help you understand AI from A-Z from basics to advanced, sign-up now.

Or, get a head start with “[FREE] The Ultimate ChatGPT Cheat Sheet” — it covers key AI concepts in an easy-to-understand way, perfect for beginners!

Why AI Will Change Everything

Look, I’ll be real with you for a second here. I’m still skeptical about this whole AI thing. I mean, robots enslaving humanity and all that? Scary stuff, man.

But even I have to admit, this technology has incredible potential. Here’s just a glimpse at what AI can do:

  • Natural language processing — AI systems like ChatGPT can understand, interpret, and generate complex, nuanced language. No more communicating through rigid computer commands. Now we can just talk to machines like they’re humans! Well, mostly.
  • Computer vision — AI can now identify and analyze images and video with shocking accuracy. This has applications from autonomous vehicles to detecting cancer cells. Pretty soon machines will see better than any of us!
  • Predictive analytics — By analyzing massive datasets, AI systems can forecast future trends, behaviors, and outcomes with high precision. Think predictive policing or anticipating dangerous health conditions before they occur. It’s like having a crystal ball!
  • Robotics — AI gives machines the ability to dynamically sense and interact with the physical world. This leads to everything from warehouse robots to dexterous robotic hands that help surgeons operate.

The possibilities seem endless. AI is transforming virtually every industry from finance to transportation to manufacturing and beyond.

So if I don’t get on board this AI train soon, I’ll probably find myself stuck writing SEO articles about mini-blinds while Raj gets rich building the next revolutionary AI startup. Although he’ll need someone to write about all those smart mini-blinds! Hmm.

3 Key AI Skills to Learn Now

Alright, so AI is exploding and will underpin the future of …well, everything.

Gulp. That’s slightly terrifying. But also an enormous opportunity if I can wrap my head around some of this cutting-edge tech.

Here are 3 of the most in-demand skills I need to start learning this year if I want to get on board the AI train:

1. Python Programming

Most mainstream AI systems are built using the Python programming language. Python provides all the tools needed for tasks like data processing, model building, and more.

So step one for me is getting comfortable with Python fundamentals like syntax, data structures, and debugging. Some good starter resources are online courses like CodeAcademy or YouTube channels like CS Dojo.

Once I grasp Python basics, I can move on to machine learning libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch which are commonly used in AI development.

The goal is to get hands-on experience not just writing Python scripts, but building and training AI models. Now to dig out my laptop and brush the dust off the Python Crash Course book I bought two years ago.

2. Math Fundamentals

Hate to break it to you folks, but learning AI requires a fair bit of math. We’re talking calculus, linear algebra, probability, and statistics. So much for avoiding math after high school!

The key mathematical concepts used in AI include:

  • Calculus — For optimizing and analyzing deep learning models
  • Linear Algebra — For representing and manipulating data needed for machine learning
  • Statistics — For understanding randomness, uncertainty, and risk in data
  • Probability — For calculating likelihoods and modeling AI system behavior

I was never a math whiz in school. But to get started in AI, I need enough conceptual understanding to apply these mathematical principles. Time to dig up the dusty textbooks and calculators! Alexa, play that montage music from 80’s movies where the nerd studies all night to a beat.

Feeling overwhelmed by the math needed for AI? Get a head start with “[FREE] The Ultimate ChatGPT Cheat Sheet” — it covers key AI concepts in an easy-to-understand way, perfect for beginners!

3. Data Fundamentals

Whether it’s computer vision, speech recognition, or predictive analytics, all AI systems rely on data. Lots and lots of data.

That means I need to skill up on some core data competencies:

  • Data collection — Gathering, cleaning, labeling, and preparing datasets used to train AI models
  • Data analysis — Exploring, visualizing, and drawing insights from datasets
  • Data engineering — Building and optimizing data pipelines, storage systems, and infrastructure
  • Data ethics — Understanding biases in data and ensuring data privacy, security, and transparency

Online learning platforms like DataCamp and Coursera offer great introductions to key data skills for aspiring AI practitioners. I see a lot of late nights googling error messages in my future.

Plotting My AI Learning Roadmap

Alright, so now I’ve identified 3 foundational skill areas to focus my AI learning journey:

  • Python Programming
  • Core math concepts
  • Data fundamentals

Phew, that’s a lot to cram into my noggin! This isn’t going to happen overnight. Or even this year. But I’m going to start putting in the work needed to get up to speed.

Here’s a rough roadmap I’m setting for myself in 2024:

Q1: Python Programming

  • Refresh Python basics with online courses and coding challenges
  • Build simple machine learning models using scikit-learn
  • Start dabbling in deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow

Q2: Math Foundation

  • Bone up on calculus, linear algebra, and statistics via online platforms like Khan Academy
  • Join a study group to work through textbooks and practice problems
  • Implement basic mathematical concepts in Python

Q3: Data Skills

  • Take online courses in data analysis, visualization, and engineering best practices
  • Build projects to collect, clean, analyze, and visualize datasets
  • Learn how to spot biases in data and ensure responsible AI practices

Q4: Integrate and Apply

  • Work on end-to-end projects that apply all these skills together
  • Consider a boot camp, nano degree, or master’s program to take my skills to the next level
  • Start networking and applying for junior AI roles and internships

This roadmap will evolve over time as I dig deeper. The key is taking it step-by-step, building real skills through hands-on learning.

Slow and steady wins the AI race!

All Aboard the AI Express! 🚂

Whew, who would have thought learning about artificial intelligence would be so complicated? Definitely not as easy as asking Siri to define AI. (Sorry Siri!)

But the future isn’t going to wait around. Whether I’m ready or not, AI is coming for our jobs, our homes, our mini-blinds! Brace yourselves, the robots are coming!

The ticket to not getting left behind is taking action now to skill up on the foundations of AI and machine learning. It’s a long journey, but the first steps are within reach.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to dig up those textbooks, fire up Python, and climb aboard this AI train! Don’t worry, I’ll try to document my bumbling adventures along the way.

Care to join me on this wild AI ride? The future awaits! 🤖🚂

Take the next step in your journey.

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Ex Investment Banker writing about Self Improvement, Spirituality, and Economy