101 ILoveKickboxing Classes In And Still Loving It. Here’s Why.

I took up kickboxing in mid August, 2016. Now, I’m addicted! If you have been thinking about joining ILoveKickboxing, you might find this post useful. Hit that recommend if you do!

Kayleigh Mihalko
4 min readAug 6, 2017


I did it! I have taken over 100 kickboxing classes at ILoveKickboxing in less than a year. I would have even more classes under my belt, but I had a wedding and a honeymoon this year, which made it tough to get to class.

From 50 to 100 Classes

Previously, I have written about the first 50 classes, which you can read in more detail here: 50 Kickboxing Classes Later, This is What Happened.

The biggest change that I noticed from class 50 to class 100 was how much my form improved. I really listened to the instructors before each round and during drills.

Selfie before my 100th class

Always Improving

One critique I was given earlier in the year was regarding my hooks. I needed to work on keeping my elbow up. When throwing a hook, your shoulder, elbow, and wrist should be in line.

In a recent class, I was so happy when I happened to be partnered with one of the instructors for conditioning at the end of class, and she told me that I had great form during all of the hooks.


As I have previously written, my motivation is learning. I can only stick with something if I am learning from it.

In the beginning, I was worried that I wasn’t going to stick with these classes, but a year and 100+ classes later, here I am. Still kicking and punching the bags, still making time in my busy schedule to work out for 1 hour three times a week, and still talking about it with my friends.

In fact, many of my friends have seen my results and how into this I have been and are now asking me how to get started. That is such a good feeling and it keeps me even more motivated to keep going.


I think everyone has a love/hate relationship with burpees. They are tough and challenging for kickboxers of all levels because you can always do them better and faster.

Over this past year, I have gone from being able to do a few to being able to do all that are asked of me during class. At first, I had to do them in steps — first bend and put my hands on the mat, then step out with one leg and then the other, then step back in with each leg, and finally stand up. Repeat.

During the intermediate months, I was able to sort of hop back and then back up, but it was slow and not pretty.

Now I can do a burpee in one smooth move. As soon as my hands hit the mat, I jump my feet back and then jump them back up and jump up off the mat.

This whole process took a full year, but it has been worth it. I know that I am improving and I know that I am learning.

Additional Notes

ILoveKickboxing is more than a gym. It is a community. The other night I was at a paint and sip class and heard a few painters at another table talking about class! I love that.

Classes here are the best workouts you can get. Cardio, strength, resistance, endurance, and stretching. You get it all in each class.

Over the next 100 classes, I expect to see my body get toned and my form to improve even more. I will make more friends and gain even more confidence.

Please note: I am a full paying member of ILKB. The opinions in this post are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the company. I have not received any money or other compensation for writing this post.

This is the fourth post on my ILKB journey. Read the others here…

  1. My ILoveKickboxing Journey
  2. 50 Kickboxing Classes Later, This is What Happened
  3. How I Turned Working Out Into A Learning Experience And Was Finally Able To Stick With A Pretty Intense Workout Schedule



Kayleigh Mihalko

I write about #lifelessons and #NaNoWriMo (writing), with a little work/entrepreneurship sprinkled in for good measure.