3 Guiding Principals of Life

Kayleigh Mihalko
2 min readMay 17, 2016


For a brief period of time last year, I was a Team Beachbody coach. One of the only reasons I am not still a coach is because I have a free wellness membership program through my company.

What I learned while training to become a coach has stayed with me and I have adapted it to my everyday life. Team Beachbody calls this their 3 Vital Behaviors. I call it a way of living.

The Team Beachbody 3 Vital Behaviors are:

1) Invite. Invite. Invite, 2) Be proof the product works, and 3) Personal development.

This very much aligned with my outlook on life. So much so that I adapted this to my everyday life, I have come up with the following three guiding principals:

1) Actively develop relationships. This is important in personal as well as business. It never ceases to amaze me what a simple conversation with someone can lead to.

2) Be the best me I can be. It is so important to set a good example. People will watch what you do and follow your lead. I have three younger siblings and have learned this the hard way.

3) Learn something new each and every day. I love to learn. Reading brings me great joy. Fiction, non-fiction, industry news, and stories by people who have opposing opinions are so important to critical thinking and growing as a person and a professional.

What mantra or pillars do you live by?



Kayleigh Mihalko

I write about #lifelessons and #NaNoWriMo (writing), with a little work/entrepreneurship sprinkled in for good measure.