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How I turned working out into a learning experience and was finally able to stick with a pretty intense workout schedule

Every time I have ever tried to go to the gym on a regular basis, I fail. Until now.

Kayleigh Mihalko
3 min readOct 10, 2016


I joined ILoveKickboxing a few weeks ago and already have quite a few classes under my belt. As I work on completing more, I have realized that, besides a weekly Zumba class taught by a friend a few years ago, I have never stuck to any sort of workout schedule ever.

Why have I been able to stick with this program for more than three weeks when other attempts have failed?

(By the way, I know this is not a long time, but three weeks is significant for someone who has never been able to stick to working out regularly before. In fact, they say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. That’s three weeks!)

Motivation — The key to success

Motivation is key. Something I have learned about myself over the years, and which has become very clear to me since starting these classes, is that I am motivated not by money, power, or status, but by learning.

This is the biggest reason for why kickboxing is working for me. I do not feel as if I am going to a gym and doing a bunch of boring exercises. Instead, I am learning how to properly jab, punch, and kick. I am learning to move my body in new ways and improve my balance and coordination. Each class is different and I pick up a new technique or move each time.

Because ILoveKickboxing is able to provide me with this learning experience I need, it is able to work for me.

Others in my class might be motivated by looking good or by hitting goals like losing ten pounds, and that’s ok, it’s just not my why. For me, the weight loss is important, but not the reason for taking up this practice.

If I wasn’t able to learn something by taking this class, I would have to find something else. Thankfully, I am able to learn a fun new skill that will take years to master by going to class at ILoveKickboxing!

The lesson here is that if I was not motivated to do something, I will not get the results I want and if I do not understand what motivates me, then I will not be able to know if something is working for me or not.

My question for you is, what motivates you? Leave your answers down below in the comments section, and be sure to recommend this post if you found some value from it.

If you liked this post, you can learn more about my ILoveKickboxing journey by reading My Kickboxing Journey, or read more about my philosophy on life here: 3 Guiding Principals of Life



Kayleigh Mihalko

I write about #lifelessons and #NaNoWriMo (writing), with a little work/entrepreneurship sprinkled in for good measure.