ADHD & Vocal Stimming

Why didn’t I know about this!?

New Writers Welcome


Image by Ojami at

I discovered something new about one of my many inexplicable behaviours the other night. It was around 1am and I was doom-scrolling (bad, I know…) on Facebook and found a reel about vocal stimming. One such stim is sighing. A lot. For no apparent reason. Cue lightbulb moment 💡

Why didn’t I know about this before?!

Well, probably because I’m really bad at researching and even worse at retaining information when I do. It’s also possible that I assumed stimming was only related to Autism and not ADHD. I was wrong.

So, what is stimming?

The interweb directed me to The Mini ADHD Coach which has a lovely, easy to read article on ADHD and stimming if you’d like more in-depth information, but I’ll do my best to provide you with the main points below:

*Stimming, aka ‘self-stimulating behaviour’, is a repetitive movement or noise we might make for no apparent reason.

*Often done to relieve boredom or stress, it can also be triggered by sensory overload or under-stimulation.

*Stimming is basically our brains trying to calm themselves down when they’re overloaded.



New Writers Welcome

Love my cats ❤ Blog about having Esophageal Atresia, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety & Chronic Pain. Fediverse: Substack: