HoloMeeting Feature Update: One-click HoloLens Solidworks Integration

Since we launched HoloMeeting last year we have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback received. We have given many demos and workshops and are currently onboarding our first clients onto the beta programme.

2 min readMar 5, 2018


We have been announcing feature updates thick and fast and our latest file integration update has been much sought after.

We hvae more file integrations to announce too that will enable HoloMeeting to be used across a range of engineering, design, manufacturing, construction and architecture industries seemlessly.

Today we’re happy to announce our HoloMeeting Solidworks integration that brings Solidworks and Mixed Reality together.

HoloLens Solidworks one-click import

One of the many questions we received last year was ‘How to import Solidworks models into the Microsoft HoloLens?’We had already received positive feedback from our HoloLens Revit import/integration so Solidworks was a next logical step on the roadmap.

In fact, we have been working to enable the fluid integration of over 60 different file types into the HoloMeeting application meaning that across different industries and corporate infrastructures HoloMeeting can be the collaboration tool of choice.

We know that the application has many potential use cases across a range of industry types. Ensuring that each industry can use HoloMeeting as an integral part of its existing processes was key for us to achieve both our growth aims but also our client support aims too. Solidworks, as one of the leading 3D CAD design software tools was key to helping us achieve this. In fact, Augmented Reality and Solidworks and, for that matter, other 3D design platforms and filetypes have clear and instant use cases for both design and in-field industries.

HoloMeeting has already proven its potential for creating a remote shared workspace bringing the evolution of remote videoconferences to fruition and Solidworks to HoloLens import simply extends this.

HoloMeeting for advanced collaboration

As we are currently onboarding clients onto our open acces Beta programme we are constantly adding features and updates to improve the overall experience.

With Solidworks one-click integration for the HoloLens via HoloMeeting it opens the doors for CAD designers and engineers, buidling and project managers, architects and many more involved throughout the ACE ecosystem can engage better, more efficiencly and more fuidly than ever before.

More Features Coming Soon

We will, of course, announce new features as they develop but we are already seeing companies who are enrolled on the beta programme take full advantage of what immersive remote meeting and collaboration can achieve.

Originally published at www.kazendi.com.




Europe's #HoloLens Experts. A Lean Innovation Studio specializing in #MixedReality. We provide game changing solutions for clients through positive disruption.