6 Unusual Hotels That You Won’t Believe Exist Because They Don’t

Keaton Patti
3 min readMay 20, 2016


This one doesn’t count as one of the six, since it’s real. It’s in the Netherlands, which is also apparently real.

When it comes to travel, most of us usually look for hotels that are conveniently located, affordable, and existent.

But sometimes, we want something out of the ordinary.

1. The Giant Chinese Cheerio

In China it’s illegal to have more than one bowl of cereal ever.

This unusual hotel in China features an underground bridge that connects the two curved towers. Well, it would if it was real, but in actuality this is a snapshot from one of my dreams. I took it with a dream camera that also only exists in my dreams. How then did I get the picture out of the dream world? Who said we’re out?

2. The Plunger Palace

Architects often design buildings to look like plungers because it’s all they know.

This Czech resort features over 60 luxury rooms for guests from all over the world. None of that’s true, of course. This is just an old picture of President Bush (the white one) that I Photoshopped into looking like this. Could you imagine if this was a real hotel? Or if President Bush looked like this? Both are fun to do, if you can.

3. The Ritz-Cranelton

Cranes can reach heights of 300 feet and still can’t dunk a basketball.

Home to the Anne Frank Museum, the Netherlands is no stranger to weird buildings that have no basis in history or reality. This is just a normal crane. Sure, you could treat it like a hotel if you wanted, but that’s true of anything. Sometimes I treat motels like hotels. Yeah, I’m that guy.

4. The Floating Sleep Coconut

Coconuts can be used bowling balls, but Big Bowling doesn’t want you to know that.

Fans of hotels are well aware that Vancouver, Canada consistently ranks near the top of cities with the most fans of hotels. The Floating Sleep Coconut provides a unique experience to its guests by showing them what it’s like to sleep inside of a coconut, something that only the inside of coconuts used to be able to do. Just kidding. This isn’t a real hotel. It’s a tree house I made for my son before he told me he hated tree houses. Now it’s a tree house for my shame.

5. The Lazy Plane Hotel

Landing a plane is the last thing pilots learn and the first thing they forget.

This is also fake.

