The First Smartphone App For Private Family Communication for Medical Emergencies Or Other Sensitive

The first smartphone app specifically designed for private and secure family communication during medical or other emergency situations.

Keep Me Posted! App
3 min readJun 9, 2014

The Keep Me Posted! app simplifies text, e-mail and push notifications to quickly relay messages with multiple updates, changes in status or other information. Smartphone users can communicate all the details of a medical emergency or hospital stay to those who need to know with a single update.

Two friends make trips to the ER. One for her child, the other with her senior parent. Both find themselves on the phone (voice and text) informing family and close friends while trying to talk with doctors and nurses, keep everyone calm and make sure their loved one was being cared for. The pair need a way to safely and easily “Keep Me Posted” during a simple visit to the ER or and extended hospital stay. This app does just that.

Social media platforms are not designed for private group communications, but public posts and change security and privacy settings on a regular basis. Group texts can be hard to manage and many cellular plans charge for sending/receiving text messages. Other group messaging apps aredesigned for social interaction and not privacy. The Keep Me Posted! App is designed specifically to keep sensitive communications private such as emergencies, accidents, surgeries, hospital stays, illness and ongoing care. Keep Me Posted is free to download and free to use.

“It is so incredibly hard to keep everyone updated, not forgetting anyone, when your loved one is going through an emergency or even updates on a planned surgery. You get so focused on your loved one and forget about everyone else.” - Brooke McKenzie, Mom and Keep Me Posted! fan

Download the free app. Create an “Event” (i.e. Mom’s Fall or Bob’s Surgery), open up a contact list and invite family and close friends to receive updates. Those invited can download the app to automatically receive push notifications or do nothing and receive updates via text or e-mail.

The administrator (person who created the event) can send updates, status reports and create groups so only family members gets the most sensitive, private information while others receive less detailed updates. All invited users can use the bulletin board feature to post information without sending push notifications (only the administrator can do that).

Keep Me Posted! app is available via iTunes or Google Play for Android. Links and more information are on the website

For more information about the Keep Me Posted! app, please contact:
Kyle Golding at The Golding Group
1219 N. Classen Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK



Keep Me Posted! App

Private Family Communication App for Medical Emergencies or Other Sensitive Events.