9 Important IoT Trends to Watch out for in 2017

Keith Krach
4 min readMay 2, 2017


By: Keith Krach

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a linchpin of the digital revolution. The potential impact of this connective technology is so significant that analysts predict the IoT market by itself could value at more than $11 trillion by 2025. Estimates are based on the sheer versatility of recent innovations, ranging in application from tracking inventory during oversea transportation to enhancing the capabilities of medical software for individuals with diabetes.

Even with all of this inherent potential, ground remains to be covered before the IoT industry reaches a $4 trillion valuation (the low-end projection for 2025). Businesses and market players will likely surpass that figure, though, as they invest in R&D and actively pursue creative and profitable ways to apply new technologies across all sectors. In 2017, the following IoT trends are expected to take shape.

1. IoT will support AI

In order for artificial intelligence (AI) to advance, reliable, real-time information is needed. IoT technology exists almost exclusively for this purpose, as it has the ability to generate the input that supports machine learning. At its core, AI operates by comparing existing data with the information gathered by IoT sensors and other connectivity devices. Thus, companies that refine their platforms and products will have the opportunity to generate growth across industries.

2. Addressing the ”perishable data” issue

IoT has proven extremely efficient in its ability to churn out piles of data. Where it stands to improve, and which will be an area of focus in 2017, is in its analytic capabilities. Learning how to derive meaning from the ones and zeroes as they pour in and, more importantly, act on that knowledge while it is still relevant, will be the challenge many businesses begin to tackle in 2017.

3. Industrial growth

In the mainstream, talk about IoT is largely associated with consumer products such as wearable technologies. These kinds of offerings will continue to grow in 2017, but there will also be a marked rise in application of digital connectivity in the industrial sector. One survey showed that roughly 70 percent of businesses in the industrial space plan to invest more in IoT , both this year and into 2018.

4. Connectivity and healthcare

Whereas IoT was first implemented into products that appealed to people’s wants, it has grown, and will continue to grow, as a tool for practical means. The healthcare industry is one example. In 2017, major shifts may not take place in the public eye; however, in the background, physicians and regulators are expected to reach a consensus on the validity of IoT technology for treating and monitoring patients. As this trend develops, expect in-home and clinical healthcare to become more integrated.

5. Environmental applications

With respect to the environment, the opportunities for IoT appear limitless. Research and testing has shown that sensor-enabled devices can deliver favorable results in efforts to conserve water usage and to save energy. Apart from its utility in rural regions, IoT can also aid in forecasting earthquakes in busy cities where buildings are at risk. A greater quantity and quality of these applications should reach the market in the coming year.

6. Products and services will connect

Just as demand has grown for better data analysis, another pressing trend in IoT is the need to develop products that also provide some kind of service. Voice-activated products have begun to lead the way, as these encourage regular interaction between the consumer and the product. Finding other ways to produce an experience and differentiate from competitors will be one of the biggest concentrations in the IoT space in 2017.

7. Renewed emphasis on security

The connective nature of IoT devices and environments they create present a variety of privacy concerns, especially as the technology advances. More ways to link people and their data mean more potential points of access for hackers and other entities. In response, the perennial trend of heightening IoT security will continue in 2017. Companies that can safeguard against the vulnerabilities of the latest innovations will be highly sought after.

8. The IoT-Blockchain relationship

Originally developed as a tool for financial technology, Blockchain is expanding in its reach of applications and many are excited about it because of its utility with IoT. The technology could potentially provide the answer to various IoT-related security issues, as it offers robust tracking abilities. In addition, Blockchain can help lower costs by expediting transactions and eliminating the need for third-party involvement. The collaboration between these technologies should lay the foundation for a new sub-market in 2017.

9. Emergence of “smart cities”

Since the advent of IoT, a popular descriptor of devices with this technology is “smart.” Everything from smartphones to smart cars creases the market, and one of the most impactful developments in this area is the smart city. IoT enables tracking of lighting, transportation, and all of the things that make a city tick. Monitoring these activities can yield a number of cost savings. This translates into more sustainable, environmentally-friendly public spheres.



Keith Krach

2022 Nobel Prize Nominee, Chm Krach Inst for Tech Diplomacy, fmr Under Secretary of State, Chm & CEO of DocuSign & Ariba, Chm Purdue Univ, & VP, General Motors