American Speaker Arrested in Canada for Smuggling “Hate Speech” on His iPad

Cari Kelemen
2 min readJun 24, 2017


Wild Bill for America, also known as William Finlay, a popular author and speaker, was arrested today, June 24, 2017, at a Canadian airport for “smuggling hate speech” on his iPad. He was invited to speak at an event at Calgary’s Olympic Plaza called the “Patriotic Unity Mega Festival” coordinated by Cananda’s Worldwide Coaliation Against Islam (WCAI) which also has organizations in Europe and Australia.

A special event permit for the event was denied by Calgary’s Department of Canadian Recreation, according to an article by CBC News, “on the basis that your organization, and messages it espouses, are hateful.” But event spokesman, Jeremy Phillips, responded on FaceBook “We are going to march downtown and show the biased city officials that we will not be silenced. It’s all about standing up for our rights and freedoms. We are not interested in a violent confrontation or anything like that. It’s all about having a peaceful protest.”

News of William Finlay’s arrest was relayed to friends via text message, including Joe Dan Gorman of the Intellectual Froglegs show. The text read “Was arrested at the airport for ‘smuggling hate speech’ on my iPad. Don’t know how this is going to turn out… really appreciate prayers and support of my friends.”

Finlay served as a Navy Corpsman with the Marines before becoming a career law enforcement officer, serving as both a Deputy U.S. Marshal and Deputy Sheriff. A public speaker, frequest guest on radio talk shows, YouTuber and blogger, Finlay says his “mission in life is to encourage and strengthen America’s faith in God and Country. It is not politicians, but individual Americans with the courage to speak out who will keep freedom alive in the USA.”



Cari Kelemen

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