Does Your Cat Actually Love You?

Kelsey Branson
2 min readNov 23, 2021


oh god…

So you have a cat, right? right..?…. if not then what are you doing here?? haha that was weird, who even invited them? anyway, you have a cat and you think they love you…WRONG.

Cats are evil creatures sent from hell to make us finally feel loved just to worsen our abandonment issues by walking away when we need them most. uh *cough* anyway…. 5 ways to tell if your cat ACTUALLY loves you or if it’s just a phase.

  1. Does Your Cat Randomly Trip You?

Well, you are in luck! Randomly being tripped by a fat loser cat means they truly love you. there's nothing better than waking up early to feed the little rat and falling flat on your face, bonus points if you cry and make sure they are okay. it boosts their ego and makes them even worse to deal with in the future.

2. Does Your Cat Like To Sleep With You?

Another thing to look for is if your cat truly enjoys sleeping with- well, ON you. If you go to sleep in a nice cold bed and wake up to the little psycho suffocating you, WELL THAT’S LOVE. I’ve done some Extreme research and found that if your cat enjoys sleeping on your face and blocking all airflow that just means they love being near you and want to be as close as they can.

3. Randomly HEADBUITS YOU?


cats headbutting their humans is a sign of communication. they speak telepathically.

Cat read mind. steal movie ideas.

It’s also a sure-fire way for them to steal our ideas. ever have an amazing idea and then suddenly forget it? cats. cats steal our ideas to keep us in our place so we will always need them. oh? this happens and you don’t even have a cat? Ghost cats.


Cats showing off their fluffy tummy to you is like going to a museum, Look NO TOUCH >:C …the soft fur and welcoming meows as they look at you with sweet loving eyes IS ALL. A. LIE. they want you to THINK you can pet them when really they want you to watch them longingly. If you are blessed enough to see a cat tummy they truly love you, but if you pet the tummy they love hurting you more.

5. Following You Around Like a Stalker

If your cat loves you they will follow you everywhere! cats are like mini stalkers waiting for you to finally feel alone before randomly showing up and mentally scarring you. They are always watching, waiting. you are never alone and you will never be alone.

All right thats the end of this article! I dont know how you made it to the end, But thank you.

