Adding Now Playing -Spotify to Github

Kenneth Mathari
2 min readJul 1, 2022


You’re probably here because you enjoy listening to music from Spotify while writing code. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to display what you’re currently listening to in your README file.

Display Spotify song in your README file


  1. Visit this link
  2. Scroll to the README file and click the Connect With Spotify button

3. If you’re not logged in, Spotify will prompt you to either log in or sign up. Then you’ll be redirected to this page:

4. In this page, choose your preferred Now Playing -Spotify theme from the options provided.

5. Copy the code snippet of your preferred Now Playing -Spotify theme. Notice that this code snippet has two urls. The first one redirects the user to Spotify and the second one is for the cover image.


6. Go to your README file in Github and paste your code in this format

### Now Playing — Spotify 🎧
<a href=”">
<img src=”"/>

7. Save your changes. You will now be able to view your current playing song from Spotify.

Checkout the source code here

