Kepler Technologies
3 min readOct 5, 2018


Everyday millions of people leave their dreams aside to pursue what society refers to as an “ordinary life”. Our culture has become a master of putting creatives down and shut their imagination only to live up to the predicted.

Working on something they love remains as a distant dream for many.

Most people are prepared to accept traditional concepts than to think of new possibilities. They do not even consider looking into realizing their ideas. It has become easier to work for large corporations, than to endeavor one’s goals and create new opportunities.

Huge gap between creativity and execution has led to discouragement. Proportionally, successful creators are considered as geniuses while many others are told to stop dreaming. Little do they know, that those too can transform the world for the better. Geniuses do not challenge big ideas because they are different. But rather challenging big ideas and following their dreams sets them apart from the rest of us.

We want to prove that anyone can do it as long as they are passionate about their ideas; as long as they keep dreaming.

Let’s bring the change!


There’re so many emerging technologies that will define our future. We live in the most amazing era in human history and yet designers work on new types of peelers; Startups revolutionize the way we “brush our teeth”; Google spends billions of dollars and human resources on projects that fail miserably. Aren’t you tired?

The Internet is full of information and resources. For some reason people don’t seem to identify these opportunities.

Many entrepreneurs either haven’t heard about the existence of such technologies or don’t have enough technical knowledge to get into the field or simply experience the dreamers’ disease. Meanwhile there are engineers who could develop technologies, mentioned above. Most of them would love to work on innovative products but sadly there are not so many such startups. They could but most engineers do not sympathize starting their own ventures. They need a partner. For that reason they tend to settle for less: working for large corporations and doing what they don’t enjoy.

Why can’t we bring these people together?


Starting a business has never been easier although, creatives are gravitated towards the lesser outcome. Solving this problem today is critical and highly feasible.

Keplertek will raise awareness of emerging technologies and their possibilities. INNOVATION SHOULDN’T BE AS HARD AS IT IS TODAY.

Idea is simple. We’re trying to decentralize the traditional startup ecosystem. IPO level valuations at early stages of startup + access to crowdfunding will cross out traditional ways of doing startups.

On the other hand, we will support engineers to have creative freedom and work on projects they’d love to. As a result, we will enable innovation and make it tip-top easy to create prototypes, get consultation, build products and services that matter.

With Keplertek anyone will have the chance to make their dreams come true. That’s why I joined this incredible team of innovators. Together we will rock the future.

You only live once — do not waste your time. Be creative; Improve living; Solve problems; See the ideal future and start creating it today; Do something… Something that matters.

Gio Kakhiani — Product Manager at Keplertek



Kepler Technologies

Kepler Technologies is a cutting-edge #robotics and Artificial intelligence (#AI) #startup on the #blockchain