My Vision

Kepler Technologies
3 min readOct 25, 2018


We all know the Keplertek vision: Move humanity forward by combining ideas and skills with the limitless power of AI.

I will tell you how I envision the future and why being part of Keplertek is contributing to the fulfillment of this vision for me.

I believe, that a human is creative being by nature. Being creative is what enabled us — humans not to only survive, but also, to thrive and build civilizations. Creativity is deeply dwelled into any of us and it feeds the innovation. By coming up with innovative ideas and solutions, we were able to transform log rafts into spaceships, ox carts into autonomous electric vehicles and abacus into quantum computers. We are keen to conserve the energy and make our lives more comfortable. This is the reason we always innovate in order to find optimal and efficient solutions to everyday problems.

Each of us has unique ideas regarding fixing various problems. However, there are many barriers around us:

· Lack of time

· Lack of finances

· Lack of valuable networks and team

· Lack of technical knowledge

· Geographical boundaries

These obstacles prevent and demotivate us from bringing our ideas into the reality. We were taught that entrepreneurs and innovators — the ones, who build enterprises and change the world, are super-humans; humans with special kind of breed. In reality, entrepreneurs are the ones who managed to overcome the above-mentioned obstacles. They just had a bit more willpower than the rest of us.

Apart from these obstacles, each innovative idea needs refinement, improvement and grinding with the help of peers. A single human being can rarely develop the idea to the perfect shape from scratch. In order an innovative idea to flourish, it needs to be improved with the help of team members. If we compare a single person to the powerful computer, we can only imagine the processing and creative power of the people connected with each other around the world — the network of humans’ minds. We — humans, are able to resonate with each other and accelerate our innovative ideas into the change for the humanity. Only by working together, we can empower each other into confident individuals, who can make positive changes for the world.

As you noted above, the keyword for acceleration of the progress was connection. We need to connect with each other without any obstacles, whether they are geographical, technical or financial. We need a common and easy-to-use platform. This is where Keplertek kicks in and provides a platform — the social network which connects Innovators, Investors, and Professionals with each other. The future with Keplertek is the future where no idea is lost because of demotivation, lack of financial resources, lack of networking or geographical boundaries. I see the future, where being an entrepreneur is not perceived as a super-hero ability, but rather than — an activity, which only needs an idea and creative mind — the mind which all of us have. With Keplertek, the progress is accelerated, because every single person can voice their idea of change without the fear of being unheard. Not only environmental boundaries are being demolished, but also — the internal obstacles are being knocked down within us: fear of failure, fear of being ridiculed, fear of being laughed at because of our “crazy ideas”, fear of not finding team mates and being out casted. In my vision, Keplertek not only transforms the businesses and industries, but also transforms individuals. Keplertek will empower and encourage everyone to be bold and brave enough bring positive change. What can be a better motivator than knowing the fact that the only thing you need to do, in order to bring your idea to the reality, is to share it on Keplertek Platform? Everything else — finding team members, finding investors, getting couching and getting technical knowledge, is up to Keplertek Community.

My vision: the future is full of brave individuals connected with each other and uniting their strengths to transform this world into a better place with the help of Keplertek.

Levan Megrelishvili — Marketing Manager, Keplertek



Kepler Technologies

Kepler Technologies is a cutting-edge #robotics and Artificial intelligence (#AI) #startup on the #blockchain