Benefits of Traveling Alone and How to Do it Safely

Traveling is exciting. Being someplace new is exhilarating. And doing it by yourself is empowering.

Keri A. Johnson
4 min readMay 29, 2020 en Pexels

Traveling alone can be scary, and doing anything new can be scary, but the benefits of going out into the world alone are definitely worth it.

I love traveling alone, maybe because I am an introvert and INFJ, maybe because I am a daydreamer and enjoy open-ended possibilities.

Whatever the reason is, I can honestly say the benefits of traveling alone have helped me learn so much about myself. I have learned to trust myself, to be strong, and not give in to fear.

I believe that everyone at least once in their life should travel alone, preferably to an international location.

There are many benefits to traveling alone. You are free to choose your activities and schedule. You can sleep late or get up early and explore as I do. The day is yours to savor as you please. You can absorb your experience without having anyone else’s perception taint yours.

Not only do you get to learn about a new place and culture, but you get to learn about yourself in new ways. You are given the gift of situations and circumstances that allow you to observe and problem solve as you move…



Keri A. Johnson

Writer/Communication Coach/ESL teacher, INFJ, mama of 2, cat lover, ex expat in the Pacific NW.