3 ways retailers integrate physical and digital experiences

Keros Digital
2 min readJun 12, 2018


Retailers around the globe have noticed an obvious trend: shopping has changed. Customers hardly ever search local stores to find goods they need, instead they explore the Internet for best prices, reviews and recommendations. With optimized shopping experiences on the web, consumers expect an integrated and seamless experience when visiting physical stores or when using their mobile phones.

Today, businesses face the challenge to be present at the right time, the right place and with the right product. We collected three strategies how retailers can integrate offline and online experiences for maximize sales:

1. Fusing their digital & physical strategies

Many traditional retail businesses have separate strategies for offline and online marketing. This often creates a gap for the customers, who move across channels. Bridge this chasm by fusing your digital and physical strategies to create a seamless experience.

Pursue the following tactics to smooth the customer journey in your brick and mortar stores and online shopping platforms:

• Click & collect and shipment from store services

• Home delivery

• Digital warehouse, extended shelf, virtual store

• Technology improvement online and offline

Universal branding

2. Developing a holistic customer lifecycle

The way customers search for products has changed: researching and comparing items is now an integral step on the path to purchase. A study discovered that 75% of shoppers have used their mobile device while in a physical store, most likely to compare prices and features.

Retailers need to develop a better and more holistic understanding of their customers. Comprehending the shoppers behavior and developing an exhaustive view of their buyer’s journey is essential to streamline their experience online and offline.

3. Collecting data and insights to improve the Omni-Channel experience

To fully understand your customers and the success of your marketing strategies, you need to collect data online and in store. Create a clear view of your customer to improve the experience even more.

According to research, 43% of marketers said incorporating digital experiences helped them understand their customers. Sophisticated marketing software such as K-MI will help you collect and manage the information properly. It will also help you plan new strategies and track the performance of marketing campaigns across channels.

Integrating digital solutions with in-store technology will help retailers with creating a seamless customer experience. By catering to their needs (comparing prices or products, “show-rooming”, flexibility …) and improving their buyer’s journey online and offline, you will drive repeat visits and increase sales.

Remember one last thing…

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