My Ars Poetica in the form of a Q&A

Henry Barnes
The Process: Litizenship Excellence
2 min readMay 3, 2016

Why do you write?
I write for a few reasons. First and foremost, it’s enjoyable, and I get joy from putting words to paper in the form of a story. The other reason is because I have IDEAS… Ideas that have been sitting in my head for several years, a couple being from when I was 10 years old (or somewhere around that age).

What inspires you?
My writing…it draws a lot from fiction. Live-action works (mainly tokusatsu), cartoons, movies, books, fanfiction… in essence, any sort of original work can serve as inspiration for ideas. These ideas can range from the ideas for a story to ideas for a simple element of a story — aesthetic or narrative.

What do you write?
My ideas usually start with a thought that comes to my mind. Most of the time, a story is directly inspired by someone else’s work, resulting in fanfiction. However, on occasion I’ll come up with an idea that’s indirectly inspired by something — an entirely original work. These original works do tend to be similar to some of the inspiring works, but don’t borrow elements or concepts from those works.

What do you like about your writing?
…Several things. For one, I tend to use a slightly humorous, potentially sarcastic style in my work, a dry wit that I find quite enjoyable. That doesn’t mean the work can’t be serious when it needs to be, but it can also be funny when it needs to be. I can also bring up poignant moral dilemmas in a work, letting readers question their beliefs. Writing can also answer “what if” questions, questions like “What if dragons existed but only one person could talk to them?”. It also can also fulfill fantasies… Most of my ideas do have a realistic version of me as the main character, letting myself fulfill a fantasy of being…well, whatever the “character-me” is.

Why is your writing the way it is?
…To be honest… I can think only one reason for my writing being the way it is, and that reason is I enjoy my writing being the way it is. There’s just nothing else to it.

