Are Jumping Jacks a Worthwhile Exercise?

Or, Are They Outdated & Ineffectual?

Kevin Alghul
4 min readNov 6, 2023
(Courtesy of Pixabay)

Unless you’re in the military, I’m guessing it’s been a while since you’ve done a jumping jack.

After grade school gym class and basic training, the average person never does a jumping jack again.

Which leaves many to speculate, are jumping jacks even worth doing?

After all, do you ever see professional body builders or olympic athletes doing jumping jacks?

Well, maybe they don’t. Or maybe you never see them do them, but jumping jacks are 100% a worthwhile exercise.

Whether you’re warming up before a workout or you’re going hard during an endurance workout, jumping jacks are well worth your time.

And if you’re unfamiliar with them, let’s break down what jumping jacks are first.

What Are Jumping Jacks?

Photo by Konstantin Planinski on Unsplash

Jumping jacks are a type of calisthenic, whole body exercise.

They don’t require weights or equipment and instead only require your body’s own resistance.

To perform a jumping jack:

  • stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms by your side
  • prepare your body to jump
  • as you jump straight up, raise your arms from your sides, and kick your legs out, making an X shape with your body

If that’s confusing, check out this video:

It’s a simple exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime, which makes them a convenient way to stay in shape.

But if they’re so great, why aren’t more people doing them?

Well, more athletes than you think are doing jumping jacks.

But before we dive into that, check out the benefits of performing jumping jacks regularly.

Health Benefits of Jumping Jacks

(Courtesy of Katie Taylor)

It seems crazy that an exercise as simple and old school as the jumping jack could get you in shape.

But, there’s a reason they make military do them at basic training: they work!

Not to mention, a lot of mma athletes and Crossfitters do them as a warm up, too.

If this exercise is good enough for some of the hardest people on the planet, including soldiers and fighters, don’t you think you can benefit from them too?

You can!

Jumping jacks influence fitness in amazing ways. Including:

  1. Cardiovascular Fitness: Jumping jacks are a cardiovascular exercise that increases your heart rate, helping to improve cardiovascular health, increase stamina, and enhance overall endurance.
  2. Weight Management: Jumping jacks can help burn calories, making them a useful addition to a weight management or weight loss regimen when combined with a balanced diet.
  3. Bone Health: Weight-bearing exercises like jumping jacks can contribute to stronger bones and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  4. Improved Coordination: Jumping jacks involve coordinating arm and leg movements, which can enhance your overall coordination and balance.
  5. Mood Enhancement: Physical activity, including jumping jacks, triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, helping reduce stress and anxiety.
  6. Increased Metabolism: Regular physical activity like jumping jacks can lead to a temporary increase in metabolism, which means you burn more calories even after you’ve finished exercising.
  7. Muscle Engagement: Jumping jacks work several muscle groups, including the calves, quadriceps, deltoids, and abdominals, helping to tone and strengthen these areas.
  8. Improved Lymphatic System Function: The up-and-down motion of jumping jacks can help stimulate the lymphatic system, which plays a role in detoxification and immune system support.

Plus, anyone of any age and fitness level can do jumping jacks.

And, they can be done anywhere at any time.

Can’t make it to the gym? Do two minutes of jumping jacks while you’re listening to a podcast.

Plus, unless you’re adding weight to the exercise or doing them extra vigorously, the chances of hurting yourself while doing jumping jacks are slim.

In short, they’re a safe, convenient, and easy way to do a total body workout that taxes your cardiovascular system.

And if you haven’t done them in a while, I promise you they will burn your calf muscles while increasing your cardio!

Jumping Jacks Are a Tried & True Way To Stay in Shape


Jumping jacks are an exercise that have passed the test of time.

They’ve been a staple of military and martial arts workouts for centuries because they’re a proven way to improve fitness.

Exercise enthusiasts of all levels can benefit from doing jumping jacks and they can be incorporated into almost any workout.

Plus, they don’t require equipment, a gym, or any money.

Jumping jacks are a free and easy way to boost your fitness no matter who you are or where you live.

Jumping jacks will never go out of style, so incorporate them into your workout and watch how your fitness improves!



Kevin Alghul

I've been into exercise, nutrition, and healthy living for almost 20 years. I'm into everything from meditation to muscle-ups, and from psychedelics to peptides