Infused Pre-rolls: What are They & are They Worth Smoking?

Are There Any Benefits to Infusing a Blunt with Extra Cannabis?

Kevin Alghul
6 min readAug 9, 2023
(Courtesy of Kindel Media)

If you’ve been to a local cannabis dispensary lately, you’ve probably come across infused pre rolls.

If you’re totally unfamiliar or new to the weed scene, a pre roll is a blunt already rolled up and ready to smoke.

And an infused pre roll contains additional cannabis in the form of hash, wax, or resin that is infused into the ground up weed.

But, will that extra cannabis get you higher? Or, is it just a clever marketing tactic?

Even if it does get you higher, will it get you TOO high too fast?

If these are questions you’ve been pondering, then this post is for you.

So, first things first, let’s further break down what an infused pre roll blunt is.

What is an Infused Pre Roll?

(Courtesy of Terrance Barksdale)

As mentioned in the introduction, an infused pre-roll is a blunt or joint that has been already rolled, and has had extra cannabis added to it.

While this infusion might make the pre-roll a little more expensive, it also adds a layer of potency and flavor.

The additional cannabis can come in the forms of concentrates, such as:

• hash oil

• live resin

• distillate

• wax

which are infused into the ground flower, or applied to the outside of the blunt paper.

The infusion process enhances the overall effects and flavor profile of the blunt.

And, provides a more potent and flavorful smoking experience compared to a traditional pre-rolled blunt.

How are Pre-Rolls Infused?

Blunts are infused in three ways:

  • Externally (applied to the blunt paper)
  • Internally (applied to the ground weed)
  • Both

Crafting infused pre-rolls is both an art and a science.

It requires precision and expertise to achieve consistent quality.

Mastering the art of crafting infused pre-rolls involves a deep understanding of:

  • strains
  • extracts
  • the delicate balance required to create a harmonious blend.

The process begins with the careful selection of cannabis flower, to make sure it meets the desired flavor and potency.

Experienced cultivators and extractors work in tandem to produce high-quality concentrates that will enhance the pre-roll’s effects.

During the assembly of an infused pre-roll, cannabis concentrates are evenly distributed throughout the ground flower, or on top of the blunt paper.

Proper mixing and distribution of extracts are crucial, as they directly impact the potency and flavor.

Which, by the way, to answer the question posed in the intro:

YES, infused pre rolls can get you significantly higher than regular blunts!

So, let’s talk about what that high feels like…

Potency and Effects of Infused Pre-Rolls

(Courtesy of RDNE Stock project)

One of the defining characteristics of infused pre-roll joints is their heightened potency and effects.

So even experienced stoners might want to think twice before puffing on one.

The infusion of concentrated extracts significantly elevates the cannabinoid content, leading to a more powerful and long-lasting experience.

However, this potency could be appealing to seasoned weed heads who are seeking an intensified and immersive journey.

The infusion process not only enhances potency but also alters the cannabinoid and terpene profile of the blunt.

This can lead to a shift in the overall effects, resulting in a nuanced and multifaceted experience.

Users may notice differences in:

  • psychoactive effects
  • duration of effects
  • the overall sensation

Additionally, infused pre-rolls hold particular promise for medical cannabis patients.

The controlled and potent nature of these products allows patients to tailor their consumption to address specific symptoms or conditions.

The infusion of targeted cannabinoids and terpenes provides a precise and consistent approach to therapeutic relief.

Which makes infused pre-rolls a valuable option for those seeking targeted medical benefits.

And, in addition to getting super high and treating chronic pain, some users are attracted to infused pre-rolls for another reason.

And that’s because infused pre-rolls are available in an incredibly wide variety!

Pre-rolls Come in an Abundance of Flavorful Variations

(Courtesy of BXXXTY)

The infusion process of pre-rolls offers an exciting avenue for exploring diverse and flavorful experiences.

By introducing concentrated extracts, the flavor profiles of infused pre-rolls become more complex and nuanced.

Which, can light up your senses with a spectrum of dazzling aromas and tastes.

Terpenes, the aromatic compounds found in cannabis, play a pivotal role in shaping the unique flavors and aromas of infused pre-rolls.

Different cannabis strains contain varying terpene profiles, contributing scents that range from citrusy and piney to floral and earthy.

The infusion process allows these terpenes to shine, creating a symphony of flavors that complement and enhance the natural characteristics of the cannabis flower.

Users can choose from a wide array of infused pre-rolled options, each offering a distinct terpene profile and flavor experience.

For example, a pre-roll infused with a high limonene content may exude a zesty and citrusy aroma, while a myrcene-dominant blend could offer earthy and herbal notes.

These flavorful variations provide an opportunity for consumers to explore the rich tapestry of cannabis terpenes and their impact on the overall smoking experience.

But with so many options, how do you choose the one that is right for you?

The key is getting granular, and really understanding what’s in that pre-roll.

Tips for Choosing and Consuming Infused Pre-Rolls

(Courtesy of RDNE Stock project)

Selecting infused pre-rolls requires some consideration to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned weed head or new to the world of weed, these tips will help guide your choices and enhance your journey.

1. Understanding Effects: Before choosing an infused pre-roll, familiarize yourself with the potential effects of different strains and terpene profiles.

Consider whether you’re seeking relaxation, focus, creativity, or another specific outcome.

2. Start Low and Go Slow: If you’re new to infused pre-rolls or have a lower tolerance, opt for products with lower potency.

Starting with a smaller dose allows you to gauge your body’s response before gradually increasing consumption.

3. Read Labels: Pay close attention to product labels, which often provide information about the strain, THC and CBD content, terpene profile, and suggested effects.

This information can help you make an informed decision.

4. Responsible Consumption: Always consume infused pre-rolls in a safe and controlled environment.

If you can, make sure your around good friends who create good vibes.

The last thing you want is to be in a stressful or scary situation when you’re trying to get high.

5. Stay Hydrated: Smoking weedcan lead to dry mouth, so keep water or other beverages on hand to stay comfortable.

By following these tips, you can try new strain and terpene combos and enjoy a high you may have never experienced before.

Infused Pre-rolls: A Genius Idea & a Great Way to Get High

(Courtesy of Kampus Production)

Whether you’re new to the weed scene and want to dive in feet first, or a veteran stoner looking for a new experience, infused pre-rolls are worth your time and money.

They’re just blunts and joints that have extra cannabis, in the form of hash or resin, added to them to enhance the experience.

And because they’re experimental, they contain unique strain and terpene combos that could blow your mind or put you to sleep.

Or, both.

Either way, infused pre-rolls provide more bang for your buck and a novel experience you’ll want to revisit.

If you want to try something new, hit up your local dispensary and try out some infused pre-rolls next time you want to get high.



Kevin Alghul

I've been into exercise, nutrition, and healthy living for almost 20 years. I'm into everything from meditation to muscle-ups, and from psychedelics to pushups