Kev Benson
1 min readOct 23, 2015


I realise this is a really serious topic and yes its right that we discuss the uncomfortable truth that thousands of people are dying every week trying to save their own lives. This is just my opinion, forgive me if I’ve gotten the wrong end of the stick, but I resent the way it leaves us hanging, like its a teaser or something. I dislike the whole idea of presenting this is an episodic way, like its some box set to binge on or a podcast to tune into each week. The whole thing makes me feel quite uncomfortable. I’m kind of torn though, as I think it’s well written and it is real, its not scripted. I support alternative media, I just think that the plight of these people deserves more than simply being presented as entertainment. We are living in a strange time where we in the West can consume as much or as little as we want. It’s all there on a plate for us and we just gobble it up and spit it back out again. We can feel sad reading about this but we lose interest quickly. Its just another piece of content. Yet, these poor people keep on dying and we do nothing (i say albeit hypocritically) but write our thoughts and feelings down from the comfort of our own warm, safe havens just so we can gain a few extra likes and shares and virtual pats on the back from our virtual followers.



Kev Benson

Journalist,blogger and content writer. Passion for news, puns, social media and all things cultural. Graduate of Search and Social Media Marketing @UoSMediaCity