Nutrition Disorder. How to over come it?

Keva Ayurveda
3 min readSep 12, 2017


Malnutrition is a broad term which refers to both undernutrition (subnutrition) and overnutrition.

Individuals are malnourished, or suffer from undernutrition if their diet does not provide them with adequate calories and protein for

maintenance and growth, or they cannot fully utilize the food they eat due to illness.

Body is derived from Food. All living beings are formed from food. They sustain & grow from food

The food is indispensable for living creatures.

Elements of primary healthcare is to have proper nutrition because relationship between food & health is explicitly mentioned in Ayurveda.

The Ayurvedic Approach for this includes

  • Improving Digestion (Agni Bala) by usage of Deepana, Pachana Dravyas
  • Usage of Amapachana Daravyas
  • Laghu, Jeevaniya, Tarpana Aushadha
  • Brimhana
  • Rasayana
  • Increasing Vyadhi Kshamatva (Immunity)

Another approach includes

The Daily Intake Of Some Particular Foods Can Prevent NUTRITION DISORDERS

  • Red Rice
  • Green Gram
  • Rock Salt
  • Indian Gooseberry
  • Barly
  • Rain Water
  • Milk
  • Ghee
  • Honey

Now let us know about

Ayurvedic Advocacy in Nutritional deficiency Disorders

We read about the Ayurvedic Advocacy in Nutritional deficiency Disorders

but what are some of the customized approaches in combating nutritional deficiency? lets find out

  • Tandula saadhita Drava + Sneha + Lavana + Godhooma & Yava.
  • Vidanga+ Lavana+ Sneha
  • Kodrava can be added in Bhinna purisha (Diarrhoea)
  • Pitta Lakshana’s : Mridvika + Madhu + Sarpi
  • Vata Lakshana’s : Matulunga rasa + Lavana

Nutritional supplements in Ayurveda include

Nutritional Supplements in Ayurveda

  • Prinana yoga : Priyala majja + Yashtimadu + Laja + Sitopala + Madhu
  • Sangrahaniya yoga : Dhataki pusha+Sharkara+Laaja
  • Deepana yoga : Bala Bilva+Ela+ Sharkara +Laaja+Saktu

Recipes for Enhancing desired Nutrition for Physical, Mental and Intellectual Development

  • Brahmi, Mandukaparni, Triphala, Chitraka, Vacha, Danti, should be used with honey, and ghrita for enhancing intellect
  • Kalyanaka, Panchagavya, Brahmi, in form of Ghritas are having nootropic( Medhya) effect
  • So also, Bala-dvaya, Brahmi, Samanga, Triphala, Chitraka with honey, ghrita for increasing intellect and Strength

We understand that absorbing all the above information is difficult & that is why we are here to make you understand and help.

When you feel that the symptoms you’re going through are of malnutrition, that is when you can get in touch with us.

Consulting an ayurvedic doctor is very important when it comes to Nutritional disorders

So don’t think twice feel free to contact us or visit our clinic

call: +91 8050801515 | Visit:

