Be More Like David Lee Roth

one of the most quotable men in the history of rock music

Kevin E. Pittack Jr.
2 min readOct 6, 2018

David Lee Roth, the original front man for Van Halen and an all-around bundle of energy, is one of the most quotable men in the history of rock music, and many of his quotes are timeless. I think it’s only fitting in this time of high tensions and cultural turmoil to reflect on the wisdom of Diamond Dave and how we should apply it to our lives.

I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.”

In this era of CrossFit, spartan races, and American Ninja Warrior, it helps to look at Diamond Dave. He strode the stage like an Adonis, sweaty and fit, knowing full well that he didn’t need everyone to see him running, diving, lifting, or juking. The only workout he needed to worry about was after the show.

“Self-tragedy is always a great way to dramatize yourself — ask any teenager.

Log on to any social media platform and you will realize that many adults have become moody teenagers, and so many people embrace a victim mentality to garner attention. Be like Dave — don’t beg for it, capture it like a raptor tearing into its prey.

“People ask me how far I’ve come. And I tell them twelve feet: from the audience to the stage.”

In an age when people lament the “participation trophy generation” and attitudes of entitlement have become a conversation point, let’s take a lesson from Dave and instill the idea that dreams and goals can come true, but hard work is necessary and it doesn’t just happen.

“The perfect woman has an IQ of 150, wants to make love until 4 in the morning, then turns into a pizza!”

Nothing to really take away from this aside from the fact that it’s hilarious.

“It’s always irritated me that people say, ‘Where’s the action? Oh wow, there’s no action here; let’s go somewhere else.’ These people will never find the action.”

A common refrain you’ll often here is people complaining about having nothing to do, or that there is no excitement going on. Don’t be one of the bland people searching for something, be the creative person who creates art, a mood, excitement, anything. Be the action.

“The Breakfast of Champions isn’t cereal, it’s the competition!”

A full-throated endorsement for the free market, using competition as a driver for self-improvement, as well as producing better outputs for others. Well said, Dave, you magnificent bastard.

