My Startup Journey, Pt.1: Intro

When Lightning Struck

Kevin Stachura
2 min readJan 22, 2016

It was a Monday. That much I definitely remember.

My fiance and I decided to grab a bite to eat at a brewery in downtown Grand Rapids, MI. After being greeted by the server, we were given menus and a minute to look things over. My favorite part of going to these breweries is, of course, trying the beer. Often my attention bandwidth is sucked up by the craft beer list. However, this day was quite busy and I had an extra few minutes to look over the menu. So I scanned for a bit and saw that they have promotions. Good promotions. Heck, if I’d known they were doing Local Night on Tuesday I would’ve come that day!

Promotions? Why yes, thank you. @GRBrewingCo

Then it came to me. The idea that every entrepreneur waits for. Their startup idea.

And that’s how it happens, folks. Just an ordinary day. It’s kind of like when they say if you look hard you’ll never find it. Instead you have to let it come to you. I decided right there that I was going to create an app that aggregated all of these deals into one place. Simple, right? Done before? Very likely. But the idea has evolved a lot since that initial spark. I’ll get to that later.

Great, you’re another guy with an idea. Why do I care?

If you’re reading this I assume I’m a lot like you. I have an idea and I want to make it happen. I have dreams and aspirations of taking my idea from the concept stage to the implementation stage. I’m not famous, nor a genius. I don’t have connections that will introduce me to investors and I’m not surrounded by rich people that can simply fund my idea.

My plan for this blog? To give you a front row seat to this rollercoaster ride I’m calling my startup journey. Maybe you’ll sympathize or empathize, partake in my joys or wallow in my sadness with me if things don’t turn out. Regardless of what happens, this is a raw, uncensored look at my journey of creating a startup. As David Bowie once said:

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.”

It’s gonna be a heck of a ride. Join me.

