The Future Of Information Architecture Is Limitless

Khelong Hong
4 min readApr 26, 2022


As the online world is constantly swerving, shifting, and changing tremendously, Information Architecture is also emerging and perpetually evolving simultaneously to a breakthrough toward a new digital era, given machine learning (AI) and voice interface as examples.

Brief Overview Of What Is Information Architect

There is no clear definition of an information architect. In short, it depends on its usage of what it implements, i.e., the World Wide Web (WWW) defines information architecture as the combination of gathering, organization, labeling, and navigation scheme within one information system. Essentially, The information architecture aims to organize content so that users would quickly adjust to the product’s functionality and find everything they need without considerable effort.

The image of the information architecture graph

New World, New Information Architecture, New Technology

From the mobile app to online websites to the metaverse, information architects are thriving and endeavoring to make digital products navigate easily and meet user needs. Essentially, it is a part of user interface and user experience design.

Nowadays, information architecture has been utilized and implemented in emerging technology such as voice interfaces and Artificial Intelligence. The future of information architects is as fascinating as the technology itself.

Here are the three new information architecture trends that impact daily life

1. Information Architecture: The AI(Artificial Intelligence)’s Best Friend

Artificial intelligence can only leverage information that has first been carefully structured, which IA (information architecture) comes to life. In fact, behind the curtain of brilliant AI sit an astounding unsung hero, information architecture, that paves the way for rapid data digestion. Furthermore, that data must be organized and structured by information architecture (AI).

“Information is data put into action. Where a specific data element may exist on a server somewhere in one format or another, it has lesser business value until it is integrated with other data elements into an information package. Information is data with context. So where Data Architecture is necessary to contain and organize the manifold data resources into a manageable system, Information Architecture is necessary to combine those resources into a structure that allows the dissemination of that information to be captured, shared, analyzed, utilized, and governed throughout an enterprise, across all lines of business, within all departments, with confidence and reliability.”

— David Loshin and Charles Roe, DATAVERSITY

Structured and organized information before incorporating it into AI

2. Information Architect in Voice Interface

How do you structure and organize data and user flow when the user cannot see anything?

You’re familiar with it already. Have you used to say “Hey Siri ( or Alexa, or Google, etc.)” and command it to rifle off your questions or request? That is an example of using an information architect in a voice interface.

“Natural interaction with another person might be commonplace for us, but it can be hard for AI. Our scientists and engineers had to devise various ways for Alexa to understand when people were speaking to the device and not to each other, and to determine when and how to respond. When Conversation Mode is enabled, Alexa is able to use visual and acoustic cues to know when to respond to requests.” as described by Amazon.

Amazon Echo: a device that listens to user’s commands

3. Information Architecture in Metaverse

While augmented reality transitions to virtual reality (VR) and (VR) slowly transforms into the fully immersive metaverse, information architecture will play a vital role in interacting with those experiences. If you can logically organize and structure data in the real world, it is not much different from how you interact with it in the metaverse.

A person is interacting with information on the metaverse

Key Takeaways

All in all, as digital technology evolves, so does information architecture. We always keep moving forward, and information architects are at the frontline of keeping it logical and applicable.




Khelong Hong

An Aspiring UX/UI Designer who has an information technology engineering background.